Titles to Skip
Eragon Zarroc
If you had 6 account-wide titles (kurz/lux, chest/wisdom, lucky/unlucky) on your account maxed and you decided to start a brand new character to get GWAMM with, which titles would u skip over maxing out?
personally, i would avoid:
Drunkard, Sweet Tooth, Party Animal, Legendary Master of the North, Ebon Vanguard, and Asura.
personally, i would avoid:
Drunkard, Sweet Tooth, Party Animal, Legendary Master of the North, Ebon Vanguard, and Asura.
i would definitely skip out on the explorer titles...WAY to much work for that.....
Instead of skipping the Asura title, I'd skip the Deldrimore title. The Asura title's easy to get by leeching onto raptor farmers. (The one place where leeches are welcome!)
If i had the money then i wouldn't skip the drunkard sweet tooth party animal etc, i dunno it would probably just be whats on my mind and have left. It may be considered a fair amount of grind but i would deffently still go thru EOTN and complete legendary master which basically gets u ebon vanguard, asura, norn, deldrimer in process.
i hope this isnt a cleverly disguised "What title are too much grind/ needed to be account based" thread
i hope this isnt a cleverly disguised "What title are too much grind/ needed to be account based" thread
Red Sonya
I skipped everything but the ones that gave pve skill advantages and wisdom and treasure hunter. The rest are grind and a waste of time. At least I enjoyed the play time getting those others as l love to open chests and getting things out of equipment without them breaking.

I would skip vanquisher and Master of the north/party
Drunkard by far. keeping a toon drunk without an icon or with the effects on is annoying.
Originally Posted by SmithyBen
would deffently still go thru EOTN and complete legendary master which basically gets u ebon vanguard, asura, norn, deldrimer in process.
You can cartog while vanquishing, I guess, but honestly... after running into one too many pop-ups I more or less gave up that notion. Bad enough I have to play hunt-the-dot: I don't want the red dots to multiply!
drunkard, sweet, party. if i was low on funds id skip elite skill capping, i kinda enjoyed that one. + asura and deldrimor id do, really easy, snowman cave x 30 odd times is like 90k towards deldrimor title and most of my runs were 12-14 minutes per, and asura magnus stones vanq ftw.
You can do Vanguard (and Deldrimor) by doing CoF runs. Make money and max titles.
Bryant Again
Meh, all of 'em.
pardon my ignorance, how does a COF run give you vanguard pts?
Betrayer of Wind
All reputation titles are worth getting for skill buffs.
I'd skip skill caps since it requires both money and quite a bit of time,since u cant skip both vanquisher/cartographer you can just do both at the same time.
Party/drunkard are pretty useless and very costy,i'd skip those too.
Sweet is fine since its always fun to get those buffs lol
I'd skip skill caps since it requires both money and quite a bit of time,since u cant skip both vanquisher/cartographer you can just do both at the same time.
Party/drunkard are pretty useless and very costy,i'd skip those too.
Sweet is fine since its always fun to get those buffs lol
i havnt got any of them but th party animal and drunkard title have been fun so far XD best way is to save up the virtual drinks all year %D
personally i would skip the EN / alliance titles too hard for me, i find the exploration mmore accomplishing personally
personally i would skip the EN / alliance titles too hard for me, i find the exploration mmore accomplishing personally
Saldonus Darkholme
i only have 7 titles maxed a.t.m lb/ss, norm, dwarven, got maxed mis/bonus title in faction and proph and survivor titles and want to know in order to get to max titles for everything what titles do i need to work on that are not that annoying or time consuming.
If i had the 6 acc titles and was going for gwamm id get
the 5 eotn titles=13
skill titles=17
hm/nm missions = 24
survivor or ldoa=25
vq of elona and factions = 27
exploer of elnoa and factions =29
a money title sweet/drunk or parrty=gwamm
the 5 eotn titles=13
skill titles=17
hm/nm missions = 24
survivor or ldoa=25
vq of elona and factions = 27
exploer of elnoa and factions =29
a money title sweet/drunk or parrty=gwamm
Shayne Hawke
Drunkard, Sweet Tooth, Party Animal. LMotN if I have to, but I'll probably end up getting it anyway in doing the other rep titles. Nothing else is so boring or tough that I would see fit to skip it.
Going to add my 2c that these 3 titles are very expensive and annoying, I would recommend skipping as well. The rest have benefits (and an earlier post is right, do vanquish + explore at the same time)
Konig Des Todes
Depends on profession. If it can run easily through mods *like with perma sf* then this:
1) Drunkard
2) Tyrian Vanquisher
3) Legendary Vanquisher
4) Canthan Vanquisher
5) Elonian Vanquisher
6) Sweet Tooth
7) Party Animal
If it cannot run easily through mods *i.e., do Cartography easily*:
1) Drunkard
2) Tyrian Cartographer
3) Legendary Cartographer
4) Canthan Cartographer
5) Elonian Cartographer
6) Sweet Tooth
7) Party Animal
I say 7 because I would max out Zaishen before working on Sweet Tooth/Party Animal/Drunkard a second time
1) Drunkard
2) Tyrian Vanquisher
3) Legendary Vanquisher
4) Canthan Vanquisher
5) Elonian Vanquisher
6) Sweet Tooth
7) Party Animal
If it cannot run easily through mods *i.e., do Cartography easily*:
1) Drunkard
2) Tyrian Cartographer
3) Legendary Cartographer
4) Canthan Cartographer
5) Elonian Cartographer
6) Sweet Tooth
7) Party Animal
I say 7 because I would max out Zaishen before working on Sweet Tooth/Party Animal/Drunkard a second time
Commander Kanen
Skip all untill the HoM updates next month
I would skip party, drunkard, sweets, tyria vanq (lose legendary vanq, so this would be the 6th title) and legendary master of the north
Gun Pierson
Titles ? What are those ? I only have 7 titles maxed only because of helping my guildies. Though I would recommend skipping the explore titles because those are the hardest ones to get and they are very time consuming not to mention boring.
Titles ? What are those ? I only have 7 titles maxed only because of helping my guildies. Though I would recommend skipping the explore titles because those are the hardest ones to get and they are very time consuming not to mention boring.
not hard with texmod, but definitely very time consuming, mind you if you do it with vanquisher then - yes each vanquish would take longer, but overall you would save time.
i only have 7 titles maxed a.t.m lb/ss, norm, dwarven, got maxed mis/bonus title in faction and proph and survivor titles and want to know in order to get to max titles for everything what titles do i need to work on that are not that annoying or time consuming. |
I would skip the ones that cost me gold. Time is free.
Martin Alvito
I would not ever do it, because I'm not gonna ever do Guardian or Legendary Master or Cartog again. Since I'm going for GWAMM without those first 2 ( I already got cartog on the guy I"m going for) I'm basically doing the other PvE titles you can max + the account wide ones.
People are too focused on the end result than the actual doing of the title. It seems that exploration title isnt that popular but I actually had a lot of fun exploring a lot of places.
The only title I would skip is Legendary Defender of Ascalon. I am not a fan of drunkard either but whatever.
The only title I would skip is Legendary Defender of Ascalon. I am not a fan of drunkard either but whatever.
All of them. Even if there may be one or two good ideas, most titles are a way to convince the feeble minded that doing inane things they would never normally do is content.
"Go wall hug every instance of the game! Go do Factions 80 times through on hard mode! Go click on alchohol items for seven days nonstop. It's content!" Well, if it is, it's incredibly lame content, and it is time we stop accepting it. Playing the game should be rewarding on its own, letting whats FUN become the standard thing to do.
"Go wall hug every instance of the game! Go do Factions 80 times through on hard mode! Go click on alchohol items for seven days nonstop. It's content!" Well, if it is, it's incredibly lame content, and it is time we stop accepting it. Playing the game should be rewarding on its own, letting whats FUN become the standard thing to do.
I dunno. The 3 consumables titles for sure. Other than that most of the titles you'd need have good synchronization with each other. I suppose I'd skip the 3 consumables and LMotN just so I didn't feel *obligated* to do all of the dungeons and quests in NM and HM again. I'd probably end up with r5 in it just because I'd do most of the stuff over voluntarily, but not enough for max.
Maybe for my last 2 I'd skip Legendary Cartographer and Tyrian Cartographer. But if I'm going to be Vanquishing I might as well do those alongside.
Maybe for my last 2 I'd skip Legendary Cartographer and Tyrian Cartographer. But if I'm going to be Vanquishing I might as well do those alongside.
I gave up on sweet tooth and drunkard titles. Those 2 titles are so boring to max!
i would skip the dwarven title, the drunkard title (even though i have r1) cause it is too time consuming and boring. I would also skip some of the PVP titles like gladiator and the hero title for doing HA
Legendary Defender of Ascalon
If you had 6 account-wide titles (kurz/lux, chest/wisdom, lucky/unlucky) on your account maxed and you decided to start a brand new character, which titles would u skip over maxing out?
personally, i would avoid: Drunkard, Sweet Tooth, Party Animal, Legendary Master of the North, Ebon Vanguard, and Asura. |
All of them except the ones that give me in-game bonuses, like eotn, ss/lb. Only need one character with titles for HOM and GW2.
Cartographer really isn't that bad, especially with texmod. If it wasn't for the OP saying "don't count these titles" I'd say all those account wide ones (wisdom, treasure, and kurzick/luxon) are all WAY worse then cartographer in terms of time.
I havent done carto yet and don't plan on it. I'd rather JQ/FA/AB 100x million times for kurz/lux then map <.< Vanquishing wasn't that bad, was fun doing with a friend, so I'd prolly do it again. Getting guardian of cantha and half of elona was easyish...but I wouldn't do it again. Bearing in mind I still don't have guardian of tyria ><
Loki Seiguro
vanguard and asura i would do, for sin, ele, monks only buace you can use the titles for the skills in farms
Skip all of them except for EotN rep and SS/LB.
Why would I repeat extremelly boring titles that give no benefits?
Why would I repeat extremelly boring titles that give no benefits?