I've been away from GW for about a year or so, and just recently reinstalled and am having a go at it again but have come across a very frustrating issue.
It seems like any time I alt+tab out of the game (to go look at the wiki, for example) for a few minutes and then come back, I have a rash of horrible rubberbanding: my character'll move and the rest of my NPC party just teleports around to "follow", attacking enemies is near impossible because I can't tell where they actually are, etc. It usually goes away after 5-10 minutes but still, is VERY annoying. (I haven't quite tested the theory but I believe the same happens if I stay in-game but stay immobile for a few minutes.)
I never had this problem last year when I was playing, and am not sure what to attribute it to. My ping is always green when this is happening and my framerate stays up around 130 or so.
Any ideas...?
Horrible rubberbanding after ALT+TABing
I used to get this on my old pc, I think its due to low memory. Playing in a big window rather then full screen helped a lot for me, then you can just have stuff over it instead of minimizing.
I have 3 GBs of memory; I doubt that's the issue.
In the meantime I've discovered that if I use the "minimize" button instead of alt+tabbing, the rubberbanding doesn't seem to manifest when I go back into the game. Wish I knew why it did it one way and not the other, but at least it works one way.
In the meantime I've discovered that if I use the "minimize" button instead of alt+tabbing, the rubberbanding doesn't seem to manifest when I go back into the game. Wish I knew why it did it one way and not the other, but at least it works one way.
all i know is that, the faster the system, the faster this occurs. my old computer would take me tabbed out for a minute before the rubberbanding shows up. my new system would take about 5 seconds.
the only way that i know to describe this, is that if GW is tabbed out, it goes out of sync with the server and other clients and will run as fast (or slow) as the system can manage. this can be the cause of the rubberbanding. if GW is minimized with the button, i guess the client has built-in measures to keep it from desyncing.
the only way that i know to describe this, is that if GW is tabbed out, it goes out of sync with the server and other clients and will run as fast (or slow) as the system can manage. this can be the cause of the rubberbanding. if GW is minimized with the button, i guess the client has built-in measures to keep it from desyncing.
the only way that i know to describe this, is that if GW is tabbed out, it goes out of sync with the server and other clients and will run as fast (or slow) as the system can manage. this can be the cause of the rubberbanding. if GW is minimized with the button, i guess the client has built-in measures to keep it from desyncing.
Update: My wife's computer has a 7950GS (256MB) using nVidia driver version 93.71 does not have this issue. And it has half the memory my 9600GT has! Both systems use Windows XP 64bit and have 2.0GB RAM.
I'm always in Window mode, never had this problem in Window.
In Call of Duty 4 it does this when you ALT+Tab out, super rubber-banding with ''Connection-Interrupted" for a second, seems it's just not Guild Wars then.
I really don't know how to fix the problem though other than suggesting you run in window mode.
In Call of Duty 4 it does this when you ALT+Tab out, super rubber-banding with ''Connection-Interrupted" for a second, seems it's just not Guild Wars then.
I really don't know how to fix the problem though other than suggesting you run in window mode.
Elder III
I use the Minimize button and never have problems - alt tabbing seems to really affect some systems.... my laptop (which i only use when necessary for GW) is affected very badly, my desktop is affected as well but not as bad.... why I don;t know :P
I think that it's something to do with priority switching when you alt tab out, like it goes from ''Normal'' to ''Low'' or something, it would make sense at least but I can't be sure.
I get this ALL the time
It happened to me as well but I found a simple solution:
Instead of alt-tabbing, press alt+enter to put it in windowed mode, then alt+tab. Works for me every time
Instead of alt-tabbing, press alt+enter to put it in windowed mode, then alt+tab. Works for me every time

Lord Sojar
Hmm, ALT Tab doesn't effect me at all. That is weird... Maybe some systems are just calibrated so this doesn't happen, and others aren't. My system hangs forever though, if I ALT Tab out of WoW or any Valve game.