hi as the heading says I am wanting to hear from people with knowledge of the hero battle scene as it all seems quite strange to me and people change theyre names more regularly than i change my socks......
what I want from you:- "knowledge" as i have no idea who is a good "hb" player over a bad one and who is playing on theyre smurf this month etc I want someone with knowledge to guide me.
someone who is just guessing will not be considered so a demonstration of knowledge will be required.
what I offer :- I have a number of accounts that i use for the mat and to someone who helps me correctly tip hb results i will give them 20% of all keys earned as a direct result of theyre help with predictions. which if you are knowledgable will result in quite a few keys for you.
do not post in this thread please just pm me with your credentials/knowledge and i will reply to you as soon as possible.
the person i choose will receive all keys earned on the day rps are given or as soon as we log on together.
Wtb hb mat information
funway ftw
funway ftw
no-one wants payment for theyre knowledge or knowone knows same as me
no-one wants payment for theyre knowledge or knowone knows same as me
i have a guildi that only does hb. if ur interested u can join us on vent 1 day and we can explain how he plays, what builds and styles of play and runes/weapon sets for his hero's. He will charge u if u do decide for his info once u get on the vent server.
funway ftw
time is running out, if you have this knowledge let me know today could mean more zkeys for you on top of your own predictions. (but again if you are guessing dont pm me)