Guild wars 2 for mac!
At this stage it is pointless making a mac version of guild wars 1 but i see profit for anet if they released a mac version of guild wars 2, i am a mac user and would like to play guild wars 2 on it, and there are many other people who have mac and would like to run guild war on it without any crossover software.
Any thoughts?
Any thoughts?
King Jay
Why not? /signed
I do not even use the Mac.
I do not even use the Mac.
I think they should make gw2 for mac!
I think Mac users should give up on the idea that their machines will ever be used to play games.
Operative 14
/Conditionally Signed
I have no idea how much work there is porting between the two. I'd support it if it wouldn't be that big of a deal. If, however, it means redesigning good portions of the game to run on a Mac platform, I would ask for a consideration to be made for how much time and effort it would take versus what it would bring to Arenanet. If a very small percentage of an already small percentage is going to benefit only in as much as they don't have to run Bootcamp and open GW2 through Windows, then that's more a convenience factor than anything else.
Would it be nice for GW2 to be Mac compatible, heck yeah. Would it be nice to wait an extra year for them to recode all of the graphics drivers just so some people don't have to do a little bit of extra work to play the game?...hmm...
I don't mean to belittle anyone either, I'm just trying to be realistic.
I have no idea how much work there is porting between the two. I'd support it if it wouldn't be that big of a deal. If, however, it means redesigning good portions of the game to run on a Mac platform, I would ask for a consideration to be made for how much time and effort it would take versus what it would bring to Arenanet. If a very small percentage of an already small percentage is going to benefit only in as much as they don't have to run Bootcamp and open GW2 through Windows, then that's more a convenience factor than anything else.
Would it be nice for GW2 to be Mac compatible, heck yeah. Would it be nice to wait an extra year for them to recode all of the graphics drivers just so some people don't have to do a little bit of extra work to play the game?...hmm...
I don't mean to belittle anyone either, I'm just trying to be realistic.
/Conditionally Signed
I have no idea how much work there is porting between the two. I'd support it if it wouldn't be that big of a deal. If, however, it means redesigning good portions of the game to run on a Mac platform, I would ask for a consideration to be made for how much time and effort it would take versus what it would bring to Arenanet. If a very small percentage of an already small percentage is going to benefit only in as much as they don't have to run Bootcamp and open GW2 through Windows, then that's more a convenience factor than anything else. Would it be nice for GW2 to be Mac compatible, heck yeah. Would it be nice to wait an extra year for them to recode all of the graphics drivers just so some people don't have to do a little bit of extra work to play the game?...hmm... I don't mean to belittle anyone either, I'm just trying to be realistic. |
I completely agree with you. Its not worth it if it takes a whole extra year.
I think Mac users should give up on the idea that their machines will ever be used to play games.
Mac users need to realize they bought a gloried I-tunes player.
Oh boy, a white laptop with an apple on it that is twice as expensive and half as powerful... but trendier.
The Simpson's "maple" parody was so close to real life it was frightening. If you aren't in graphic design or video editing, there is no reason to buy a mac.
Links for those who haven't seen it
Ghost Dog
Mac users need to realize they bought a gloried I-tunes player. Oh boy, a white laptop with an apple on it that is twice as expensive and half as powerful... but trendier. The Simpson's "maple" parody was so close to real life it was frightening. If you aren't in graphic design or video editing, there is no reason to buy a mac. |
This isn't a Mac versus Windows thread, so if you can't post without bashing one or the other, don't post. Simple enough?
The main reason this won't happen.
Originally Posted by moriz
they do have a reason actually: macs do not support dx9/10/11(?)
mac users should dual boot for gaming...because osx isn't for gaming.
I'd like to see more games playable on a mac. But as long as the staple of games runs on DX, i'm affraid it's not going to happen. So well, i don't have high hopes for GW2 either.
wu is me
I don't see why companies insist on using DX, when Open GL works perfectly fine and on both platforms =/. I mean seriously, BLIZZARD creator of the mother of all MMO's is using Open GL... WHY couldn't Gw2???
But given that they've already started working with Dx10, I've lost all hope that i'll be able to play gw2 without having to run boot camp =/... cos I HATE Xp(compared to mac), and vista im not even gonna try lol
But given that they've already started working with Dx10, I've lost all hope that i'll be able to play gw2 without having to run boot camp =/... cos I HATE Xp(compared to mac), and vista im not even gonna try lol
spirit of defeat
If you wanted to game you shouldn't have bought a mac....
Lot of people buy a mac for status rather then for the hardware.
Lot of people buy a mac for status rather then for the hardware.
Soulfire Cleopatra
I do not own a mac, but it's sad that Anet has neglected those users who would love to pay GW 1 atleast. Thanks Anet for the discrimination!
I do not own a mac, but it's sad that Anet has neglected those users who would love to pay GW 1 atleast. Thanks Anet for the discrimination!
Don't Mac systems have a Windows Emulator available to them that allows them to pretty much run two different systems on the same piece of hardware at the same time?
it is not like i am expecting to play bioshock or fallout 3 on my mac, guild wars 2 won't be that demanding, plus blizzard made mac compatible games and they reaped up the rewards blizzard should take a page from their books
Quinlan Vos
No please no. Extra work is always extra work and gw2 release is far too far enough. Macs aren't made for gaming.
Apart from the techy shit, the game isn't even out yet... Who knows what might happen in the future to it?
if you want to play a game on your mac, go buy WoW...
Ty but no. I wonder if you are able to take your own advice.
I am still hoping that I can see GW on my mac so /signed.
Many people use macs for their work It will be very nice to be able to play games on the same pc without a need to buy a different one.
I am still hoping that I can see GW on my mac so /signed.
Many people use macs for their work It will be very nice to be able to play games on the same pc without a need to buy a different one.
Gargle Blaster
A Linux version would be nice too... if only they could get away from Direct X and go with Open GL.
Intel+nVidia+Windows+DirectX is "the way it's meant to be played". Some people may not agree, but that won't change the truth, and you know it, so don't bother to argue.
Once that's is clear, since you can already install Linux or Windows on a Mac computer, is faster an easier just to have multiple Operating Systems on a machine than making each application work in all of them.
Once that's is clear, since you can already install Linux or Windows on a Mac computer, is faster an easier just to have multiple Operating Systems on a machine than making each application work in all of them.
A Linux version would be nice too... if only they could get away from Direct X and go with Open GL.
It is slow as hell to do it this way. GW run directly under linux works ok, but when run on a virtual windows environment it is getting really slow and unplayable. I am for creating a game which can be run directly without a need of running any virtual environments.
i personally go intel+amd+windows+directx, so no, it is not the truth. heck, i can probably go amd+amd+windows+directx and have it perform just as well. your truth is not true.
I use both Mac and PC. So I'll agree that GW2 would be awesome on OS X.
Intel+nVidia+Windows+DirectX is "the way it's meant to be played". Some people may not agree, but that won't change the truth, and you know it, so don't bother to argue.
Once that's is clear, since you can already install Linux or Windows on a Mac computer, is faster an easier just to have multiple Operating Systems on a machine than making each application work in all of them. |
Windows shouldn't be the only operating system for pc gaming.
^^ this
asking Anet to scrap their GW2 DX foundation in favor of Open GL at this point in the development phase is laughable. its like building a house out of concrete and tearing it down because you think it would look better in wood, all for the sake of a tiny, tiny mac gaming market.
asking Anet to scrap their GW2 DX foundation in favor of Open GL at this point in the development phase is laughable. its like building a house out of concrete and tearing it down because you think it would look better in wood, all for the sake of a tiny, tiny mac gaming market.
Gargle Blaster
asking Anet to scrap their GW2 DX foundation in favor of Open GL at this point in the development phase is laughable.
however, it is not just the mac gaming market that could benefit from using open gl... for example: there would be no need for Vista.
I use Apple computers exclusively, but I do not feel that GW should ever run on OS X. I didn't buy my apple computers to game on them, I use them for graphic design and audio recording/editing. I boot into Windows for all of my gaming needs. there is no need to switch GW away from DirectX just to get it to run on OS X.
Operative 14
Vista won't be around when GW2 is released, it will be Windows 7. And even then they've stated that you won't need DX10 to play GW2, so you won't even need Vista in that case, either.
Yeah they should totally implement this so Guild Wars 2 is pushed back another 5 years.
Dual booting says "Hi"
I have a Mac and dual boot Windows on a smaller partition. It takes 30 seconds, 45 max, to reboot into Windows. The only reason I could see Mac users complaining is if they didn't want to fork over cash for a Windows CD-key. But then, let's be honest, if you're a computer gamer then forking over a little bit of cash for a Windows key shouldn't be that big of a deal (or maybe you've heard of the wonders of torrents).
Dual booting says "Hi"
I have a Mac and dual boot Windows on a smaller partition. It takes 30 seconds, 45 max, to reboot into Windows. The only reason I could see Mac users complaining is if they didn't want to fork over cash for a Windows CD-key. But then, let's be honest, if you're a computer gamer then forking over a little bit of cash for a Windows key shouldn't be that big of a deal (or maybe you've heard of the wonders of torrents).
from what i read, opengl is largely abandoned because directx is better supported and far easier to implement; not to mention, directx is currently about 2 years ahead of opengl in terms of features.
anyways, anet has already settled on the graphic engine for GW2 already. the chance of them abandoning DX9/10 for opengl is effectively zero, unless they want to start from scratch.
anyways, anet has already settled on the graphic engine for GW2 already. the chance of them abandoning DX9/10 for opengl is effectively zero, unless they want to start from scratch.
There is no way of knowing what stage of development or what graphic platform GW2 will be using as that information has not been released...
however, it is not just the mac gaming market that could benefit from using open gl... for example: there would be no need for Vista. |
and yeah, DX >>> OGL anyways.
no way they go opengl.
And dont start me on the people doing "work" on macs
. Nice looking machines tho, gotta admit, even tho i hate Jobs in the guts
And dont start me on the people doing "work" on macs

Of course it would be nice for people, heck, I'd LOVE to have all games available only in consoles on PC, because consoles are usually slow after some time, while PC games always work on PC, aven 10 years later. And they force you to use their input devices (I may be the only one, but I HATE the N64 gamepad), but there are things like time, resources and 'political' motives to prevent such things.
No matter how many people want a game for Mac, the truth is that the number of people that get Macs and play a lot under a Mac OS are quite a few.
Why do Blizzard release games for Mac? Because they have quite some cash to spare, and probably use similar engines for various games, allowing them to make easy ports. They also usually wait to make the Mac version, at least for some time, until they see the PC version was a success. At least that happened almost always since Doom II.
No matter how many people want a game for Mac, the truth is that the number of people that get Macs and play a lot under a Mac OS are quite a few.
Why do Blizzard release games for Mac? Because they have quite some cash to spare, and probably use similar engines for various games, allowing them to make easy ports. They also usually wait to make the Mac version, at least for some time, until they see the PC version was a success. At least that happened almost always since Doom II.
Kale Ironfist
I'm seriously surprised that of the posts presenting an alternative way to play Guild Wars without native support on Mac OSX, none have mentioned WINE.
No dual booting, no emulation.
The catch? Either compile from source code, or find a binary to install (which their wiki points you to a few locations). If their Application database is to be believed, Guild Wars runs flawlessly with no special configuration to WINE.
No dual booting, no emulation.
The catch? Either compile from source code, or find a binary to install (which their wiki points you to a few locations). If their Application database is to be believed, Guild Wars runs flawlessly with no special configuration to WINE.
Oh boy, a white laptop with an apple on it that is twice as expensive and half as powerful... but trendier.
If you want to play computer games, buy a game-playing computer. I don't see the problem.
Originally Posted by Operative 14
Vista won't be around when GW2 is released, it will be Windows 7.