Hi, ive been making alot of new builds for my heroes, instead of going to pvxwiki n just downloading random ones. And id like to be able to selectively see damage each of my heroes are doing.
For instance, whilst in battle select to see Olias' damage, just to see how well my build synergies with him and how well hes using it (IE sticking barbs on the creature im actually physically hitting.)
So basically whilst im attacking my damage comes up in the usual way, and when selected i see the bonus damage from olias in another colour.
Some may say im overcomplicating things, so obviously be able to turn on or off this feature.
I think it would be useful when making and testing new builds.
*Equips flame proof suit*
EDIT: ah sorry if it has been searched before, i did search Hero Damage Counter, but didnt turn up anything for what i had in mind.
EDIT: Seems you don't understand, i want to see the individual damage dealt by each hero, battle isles is good for seing an overal damage, but seing individual damage doesnt help, also cannot going in hard mode to see how your damage output is affected.
Hero Damage
CBA to search it right now, but I know it's been suggested before.
I'm not necessarily opposed to this but at least to me, there are more pressing issues. Also, for general calculations you can always use the Master of Damage.
I'm not necessarily opposed to this but at least to me, there are more pressing issues. Also, for general calculations you can always use the Master of Damage.
battle isles?
sorry for making a reference to this game...but they should have damage meters like in world of warcraft.