Why did you originally purchase Guild Wars?
Rocky Raccoon
As the title says why did you buy GW? For me it was the purchase and play for free, plus the ability to play with others.
Reviews were raving about it. And when I saw the graphics... omg I had to have it. And have loved it ever since.
- No monthly fee.
- Judging from the box art and screenshots, it had a nice look and feel to it.
- Ability to play with others as well as with henchmen if necessary.
- The uniqueness of some professions.
- Knowing that there would be expansions later on.
- No Item mall.
- The low required specs/transfer speeds.
- The ease of communicating vital infomation with team mates. (includes calling targets, drawing directions on the map, etc.)
- Less grind than most other MMO's.
SS Necro
I was not enjoying SWG after the changes. Sooooooooooooooooooo.
Was trying to find a substitute to not paying 15$ a month to play FF11
lord of all tyria
A mate said "Guild Wars is good, buy it".
I was given one of only three beta test slots given out to GAME managers in the UK for the E3 beta and I haven't looked back since
At the time I wanted a new game to play because I got tired of the previous games. Didn't want a monthly fee and I wasn't willing to buy a game with 4 hours worth of game play. Co-worker recommended the game to me. My key reasons were...
1)Nice graphics
3)Free to play
4)Co-worker recommended it
Having said all this...Skill > Time NEVER ever crossed my mind until 1-2 years after I purchased the game. As far as casual gaming was concerned, I was seeking a game with long replay value hence I was searching for a RPG type game which basically made it irrelevant whether the game was casual or not. GW was the closest thing at the time. Had I known then what I know now my purchasing decision would remain the same.
Don't know many people who purchased this game based on skill > time specifically. It's hardly ever mentioned as a compelling reason on this forum or any others. Sure you get the odd few individuals here and there but that's to be expected.
Fast forward 4 years and here I am now at work typing this out.
1)Nice graphics
3)Free to play
4)Co-worker recommended it
Having said all this...Skill > Time NEVER ever crossed my mind until 1-2 years after I purchased the game. As far as casual gaming was concerned, I was seeking a game with long replay value hence I was searching for a RPG type game which basically made it irrelevant whether the game was casual or not. GW was the closest thing at the time. Had I known then what I know now my purchasing decision would remain the same.
Don't know many people who purchased this game based on skill > time specifically. It's hardly ever mentioned as a compelling reason on this forum or any others. Sure you get the odd few individuals here and there but that's to be expected.
Fast forward 4 years and here I am now at work typing this out.
Bryant Again
I tried it at a lan center (which I now work at, yay), liked it, and decided to buy it. /shrug
because it doesn't like the guildwars today
I heard about it when it was coming out and thought i want an online game. One that is not as awful and pointless as runescape yet i don't wanna pay a monthly fee. Then this one actually got pretty interesting - i love the graphics and i fell in love with presearing
i was looking for a birthday present for someone else and came across it. he didn't play pc games but i jumped right in and have been playing for about three years now :-) the no monthly fee thing grabbed me and i haven't looked back since...
street peddler
i liked how every area was instanced and you could go it alone if you wanted. i also liked that you could change attributes at will, and use whatever skills you wanted. i started playing around christmas '06.
Icy The Mage
My original purchase was just when Factions came out (bought factions before any of the others), I thought it was Age of Empires III, but it turns out it was better.

Believe I saw the review in a game informer magazine. It was online and f2p, graphics looked amazing, so I had to buy it.
Red Sonya
As has been proven the reason "I" purchased GW is the same reason the majority purchased it.....because it has no monthly fee. It's like playing Diablo 2 online really cept the loot sucks and there's no UNIQUE armor items like in D2. Plus the stats used are pretty bland 60 70 80 90alc blahzay and 15^50 max weapons blahzay and +30hp blahzay. If only this were Diablo 2 with this huge world to play in.
Shayne Hawke
My friend told me about it, let me play a new character on his account for a few hours. I thought it looked cool, and there wasn't a monthly fee, so I decided to get it.
obsidian ectoplasm
As has been proven the reason "I" purchased GW is the same reason the majority purchased it.....because it has no monthly fee. It's like playing Diablo 2 online really cept the loot sucks and there's no UNIQUE armor items like in D2. Plus the stats used are pretty bland 60 70 80 90alc blahzay and 15^50 max weapons blahzay and +30hp blahzay. If only this were Diablo 2 with this huge world to play in.
It's called balance.
do you pvp?
Two words: Awesome betas
I purchased guild wars to enjoy myself and have a good time online. I also liked that their was no monthly fees.
I started playing during the final BWE. I bought guild wars because it has no monthly fee, a low level cap, essentially equal equipment and character classes which seemed cool at the time (and they still are). My friend got me into it, but hasn't played since like 2005.
lord of all tyria
Artisan Archer
I always liked MMORPG's, but never wanted to pay a monthly fee, and the free ones kinda sucked. A friend of mine let me have one character slot on his Guild Wars account, and I loved it. At that time Factions was coming out with the release date being on my birthday so that was perfect. Later I bought Prophecies and Nightfall, but Factions is still my favorite.
Good job, summed up all my reason + more.
Girlfriend. Now we both love it. And each other. <3
In Dec of '05, I was taking my son out for a birthday lunch and Gamestop was right next door. We went in to look (both are addicted to gaming) and I bought him Civ4, then noticed the Guild Wars display.
I picked up the box and saw it was Free to Play and decided to add that as a bonus gift.
He has never played Civ4 until this winter as his PC, although meeting the requirements, only played the game at a snail's pace.
Guild Wars, on the other hand, is still his only MMO. He talked me into buying a copy and we both still play daily.
I picked up the box and saw it was Free to Play and decided to add that as a bonus gift.
He has never played Civ4 until this winter as his PC, although meeting the requirements, only played the game at a snail's pace.
Guild Wars, on the other hand, is still his only MMO. He talked me into buying a copy and we both still play daily.
In my order of preferences at the time:
- Was looking for an MMO/RPG
- No monthly fees
- No grind
- Looked good
- A friend of mine who also played said it was pretty good
Curiously after installing it I only played for 2 weeks or so, got bored and left it. About 6 months later, a year and a half ago, picked it up again, created a warrior and haven't stop playing ever since.
- Was looking for an MMO/RPG
- No monthly fees
- No grind
- Looked good
- A friend of mine who also played said it was pretty good
Curiously after installing it I only played for 2 weeks or so, got bored and left it. About 6 months later, a year and a half ago, picked it up again, created a warrior and haven't stop playing ever since.
someone pestered me for about a month to get it (he bought it on release iirc) i eventually just bought it to make him stfu and then i really enjoyed it.
* A few friends had bought it and recommended it and I was looking for a new game (back in May '05)
* It was really really pretty
* Free to play
* No stupid server/district restrictions (I love you, International dist)
* Really pretty
* It was really really pretty
* Free to play
* No stupid server/district restrictions (I love you, International dist)
* Really pretty
I was playing runescape and a mate of mine suggested this new game called guildwars that he heard of. I pre ordered and played in beta for a couple of days. Been playing on and off since then.
friendy (who now plays wow and tries to get me to switch lol)
Need More Donuts
A friend of mine played it and let me create a character I enjoyed it so much I bought it for myself also the no monthly fee was great as I like to take breaks from playing...
3 Words:
Originally heard about awesome pvp, one distinct server where everyone can meet up, not much grind, and good cooperative play in pve. GW sure has changed a lot.
At my moms house we never had a pc but when I finally moved out I really had to have one.
Bought some RTS and FPS games for it but had alway loved RPG's
Did some research and was thinking of WoW or Guild Wars.
Both cinematics looked great but chose WoW for the better graphics in the cinematic (I know noobish huh?)
After arriving at the store WoW needed me to pay an extra sum of money just to play it.
Being a former console gamer I thought "no way" I just bought the game right, why pay extra per month?
So GW collectors edition caught my eye with a headset (I needed that too (: )
And now I'm playing for 45 months, bit bored but still happy with my game.
Never had that on a console before
Bought some RTS and FPS games for it but had alway loved RPG's
Did some research and was thinking of WoW or Guild Wars.
Both cinematics looked great but chose WoW for the better graphics in the cinematic (I know noobish huh?)
After arriving at the store WoW needed me to pay an extra sum of money just to play it.
Being a former console gamer I thought "no way" I just bought the game right, why pay extra per month?
So GW collectors edition caught my eye with a headset (I needed that too (: )
And now I'm playing for 45 months, bit bored but still happy with my game.
Never had that on a console before

Regina Buenaobra
I wanted to play a game together with a friend who was located in another country, but we didn't want a game that had monthly fees. We also didn't want a game that would constrain us from playing with people from other regions. Most online games won't let you play with people of different regions unless you buy a copy of the game from that region -- but this locks you out of playing with people in your home region or vice versa. Being able to play from International Districts was a big reason for why I chose to buy GW -- the flexibility to play with friends located in Europe as well as in the States.
A friend told me about a beta-test being held in Jan or Feb 2005. Codes to participate were in a Magazine. We played the beta and all following betas and bought the game at release...
Gun Pierson
Wanted to play coop campaign games with my gaming buddy. We do that since Quake2. We were also looking for something new instead of the classis RTS, FPS, RPG etc.
So my eye landed on GW for the following reasons:
- Great graphics (more realistic vs wow's cartoony graphics)
- free to play
- human characters (not the classic orcs and elves etc.)
- coop campaign play possible (we learned that it's called PvE)
- low level cap (more 'tier 4' content)
- skill > time as my gaming buddy is a busy guy with limited gaming time.
- Arenanet (founders came from Blizzard and worked on Bnet etc.)
- New streaming technology
- great server setup, you can play with anyone in the world
- instanced world so no corps camping
- new chapters and expansions (MTG model)
- lots of skills and only 8 to choose from (kinda MTG model)
- no expensive high end gaming system needed
So my eye landed on GW for the following reasons:
- Great graphics (more realistic vs wow's cartoony graphics)
- free to play
- human characters (not the classic orcs and elves etc.)
- coop campaign play possible (we learned that it's called PvE)
- low level cap (more 'tier 4' content)
- skill > time as my gaming buddy is a busy guy with limited gaming time.
- Arenanet (founders came from Blizzard and worked on Bnet etc.)
- New streaming technology
- great server setup, you can play with anyone in the world
- instanced world so no corps camping
- new chapters and expansions (MTG model)
- lots of skills and only 8 to choose from (kinda MTG model)
- no expensive high end gaming system needed
King Jay
Because WoW was lame
I did not want to dedicate so much time just to be max level - where time = skill
GW offered a low level cap - where skill = perfect practice
Plus the great graphics, no monthly fee, and the unique type of balance.
I did not want to dedicate so much time just to be max level - where time = skill
GW offered a low level cap - where skill = perfect practice
Plus the great graphics, no monthly fee, and the unique type of balance.