Random paragon drawing made out of boredom
God of Tempest
I was completely bored and half asleep, so I doodled this guy on a piece of graph paper. It's pretty crappy, I know, but I felt like showing you all for god knows why. xD
Also, I know, the face is horrible. I dun care. :P
Lord Of Blame
He needs a bigger spear. lol
its not bad tbh, at least when you compare to my drawings, he do need a bigger spear.
Eragon Zarroc
lol, fun stuff. one armbrace is stripped while the other isn't ;-)
I like it. Just a couple of things: His legs are rather stumpy and his spear is a little short!
why does this picture make me want to absurbly scream out "THIS..... IS..... SPARTA!!!!!!!" lolllllll xD nice pic xD
Konig Des Todes
Originally Posted by Konig Des Todes
Because most Paragon armor *especially Istani* is based off of Ancient Greek armor.
tis was a joke ._.