It's called Battle Axe.
But when I looked at the wiki
It does not show that axe.
Is that skin available with better mods? What is the correct name for it?
This is what it looks like:
(see attachment)
Pre-searing axe with dragon "tattoo" on it
Serpent Axe, rare drop, but available in GW:EN as well with an inscription slot. Since GW:EN weas released, the rarity of that skin has dropped significantly.
Kumu Honua
Originally Posted by From that link
A Battle Axe with the Serpent Axe skin is given as a quest reward after completing Little Thom's Big Cloak, a pre-searing quest.
yep, that there is a "serpent axe". it used to have VERY high value before aNet released a max/inscribable version of it.
ah the boot axe, looks like a boot on a stick to me, the cantha one a smaller boot on a stick.
yeah Ive had these they wont sell anymore. you can probably pick one up on a wtb
yeah Ive had these they wont sell anymore. you can probably pick one up on a wtb
Ah, I remember getting that one in pre-sear. The tattoo on the axe was the very same as the one on our Guildcape, so I was all excited about finding a 'guildweapon'. Found out later it was a fixed tattoo, and it was just a coincidence my Guild had used the same image for the cape....
A Battle Axe with the Serpent Axe skin is given as a quest reward after completing Little Thom's Big Cloak, a pre-searing quest.
And I paid 100g for it.
Priceless :-)
Well, thanks for the information everyone :-) I guess I better get farming. And if someone does have a decent once (max dmg is all I care), do PM me, I might just scam myself into buying it ;P
nice...sadly wepons are loosing they're value nowdayz.collosal schmittars.ele swords.everything.but u are lucky.u don't get an axe like that every day