Proph HM services needed

akio pwns

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2007




Iv tried to get groups in my guild or in other places but sometimes its just frustrating. Thats why im post up here what I need, If people need the same thing as I do and want to help and tag along I have no problem. If someone wants to help me and needs me to pay ill decided whether the price is good.

I need the following:

Tyrian Vanquisher: 11/25

ALL of Crystal Desert
Kessex Peak
Perdition Rock
Talmark Wilderness
Majesty Rest
Watchtower Coast

Tyrian Gaurdian: 11/25

Frost Gate
D Alessio Seaboard
Divinity Coast
The Wilds
Bloodstone Fen
Aurua Glade
Riverside Province
Dunes of Despair
Ice caves of Sorrow
Iron Mines
Ring of Fire
Abbadons Mouth

I will take in priority missions first instead of vanquish since most of them are shorter then a vanquish. I will be on on th evening times *EST* , Monday-Friday, and Sunday

IGN Akio The Reaper

akio pwns

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2007




BUMP... This topic is also for people who need these areas as well not just paid services.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2009



I would be willing to help you with the vanquishes and some of the missions. Please PM me in game... IGN Bof Ray