NM Campaign Bonus' Runner needed!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2008


Hi, I'm lazy.
I am wanting to get run through certain Prophecies missions purely for the bonus. Also I want to AFK during all/most of these, hence the reason to pay for it in the first place (IE; laziness).

The ones that I need in order are:

Abbadons Mouth
Ice Caves Of Sorrow
The Dragon's Lair
Thirsty River
Dunes Of Despair

I am fair, and idealy I would like one person to run all of these, perhaps with a discounted multiple package.
Don't say you can run it then take forever, or die multiple times, if you provide a service, please provide it well. Especially since it is Normal mode.

I have vent etc if needed, and I am a very nice person, so don't sweat it

NOTE: BONUS only! If you have to complete the mission anyways, then so be it.

my Ingame contact is: Aeonis Seiken. Add me because I might/likely will be on another toon.