*Mods plz close other threads in services*
I'm looking for a high end GvG instructor and preferrably a temporary spot in a high end guild. I'm hoping to learn how to properly GvG so that I can turn my attention to the more pvp oriented aspect of the game. I will pay well; as decided between me and the instructor. IGN is Zimbabwean Pie. Thanks.
LF High End GvG Instructor
Pm Alex The Penut in game for r200 play style heroway.
-Rit <3
-Rit <3
No reply in game so bump...
I Jonas I
How to GvG: have your warriors call spikes, get your midline do do their jobs, fall back when your monks whine they are low on energy. Split if you are losing at stand.
There you go.
There you go.
We Dont Accept
r5 champion r10 hero will give u hints+stratergies+equipment+builds to go with this current metagame! pm me prices ign Dryder Shot!