Thank You
Originally Posted by Boneyard Spleeneater
1) Add a pre/post game section. the pre can discuss a bit of the Meta, and some of the builds used on the teams. That can add some info and advice for those of us who might like to engage in PVP but haven't seen a lot of the builds in action. The post can point out the Meta builds in particular scenes (like replays).
2) Do interviews with current/previous winners and finalists. Ask them about their strategies, their plans, etc. Kind of a locker room chat.
Now that is a great idea... it will give me more time to get into the meta and builds that are being used for the final, which will alow for me not to worrie as much on that integration and concintrate on the game play more. Not sure if I could get a "interview" during a "post game", but we will see. Nice one!
My only worrie, is a full 28 minute battle... I might have to "move ahead into the match" because that could take up about 35 minutes of coverage... which in youtube terms... I would go over the 10 min cap. I would have to make a part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4 to cover the entire event... commercial breaks anyone?
Originally Posted by Boneyard Spleeneater
3) Get the guru mods to sticky a post with links to this, or else have add this to their site. You did a great job with this, and I think with a little help from them, this could be something that could be something that really gets people interested in the PVP.
I have already spoken with Regina, and she said she liked it and will look into placing a note of it on the Community News and Notes
But I would not mind some Guru Mod integration with this... with this being my first venture into this MAT coverage, I didn't want to push my luck to much at first...
But now that it has shown great popularity (thank you guys) for you GWGuru Mods here, this is some stats that you should be interested in hearing about for this video (all stats are per Youtube Insight of the video as of 04/06/09)
- This video as seen over 1,700 views with 76% of the viewership comming from external sites.
- 52.5% of the overall total viewership is coming from this Guru site.
- It had over 500 views in the first 24 hours of the video being posted with 84% of the viewership comming from this Guru Site
- It is still averaging 100 views a day for the past 3 days.
- 17.32% of the overall total viewership is comming from word of mouth (IM, E-Mail or other websites/forums that I did not post on)
So what this means is that this video has seen the most exposer from this Guru site and not only are people watching mostly from this site, but they are spreading the video on their own terms which shows appreciation and populartiy. So please contact me if you would like to integrate this kind of coverage for future MATs.