Guild Wars April Fools Joke - Little Gwens!!!
-.- i hate gwens, these avatars are nice though lol
Scarlett Romanov
awesome <3 Anet
Shayne Hawke
Cute. I like how she moonwalks.
But it's so....cuuuuuuuute!!!
Haha, awesome.
Haha, awesome.
Atlas Prime
this is way to funny! gg anet
Zahr Dalsk
Least it's just one day.
Also, my april fools avatar made me lulz, even if I have no idea what it's supposed to mean.
Least it's just one day.
Also, my april fools avatar made me lulz, even if I have no idea what it's supposed to mean.
haha nice i always wanted them to make a mhenlo lookin one though. It reminds me of a sorta FFIII on DS but GW
Haha awesome.
I want this in an everlasting tonic !
I want this in an everlasting tonic !
This would be an awesome everlasting tonic.
Hands down better than stick people
Hands down better than stick people
Time to use golem tonics and squish some people

This is what I logged in to seeing in Ascalon. Cracked up so much.

This is awesome xD, Best one yet.
I guess they learned from the stick man incident to not put this into PvP. Some people were complaining that it was nearly impossible to preprot.

What? No product placement for AOL this year?
This thread is less than 9 hours old, almost 5000 views, and approaching 150 posts.
Cute little avatar. Our 4th year mini?
Cute little avatar. Our 4th year mini?
This is pretty awesome. I only wish I could go adventuring as Gwen-chan like I could with stickmen. I still have some pretty cool shots of my stickman ranger on fire somewhere.
Wyat Hawke
Pretty sweet and funny

omggg i want a tonic of this!
I was really hoping my Assassin, Ritualist, Paragon, and Dervish would be the other forms of Gwen-chan. Also, for those who don't know what I'm talking about, the link. Still, GG Anet.
Derrick the Nomad
Makes you wonder what GW2 is going to look like.
way better than the stickman thing last year tbh

wind fire and ice
I dont like it,i'll be RAing all day to avoid having to look at it.><
damn i wish I had access to gw now

havn't logged in today due to some busy work,
But I will join the Gwen invasion later today, wil be fun some minutes i'll guess
But I will join the Gwen invasion later today, wil be fun some minutes i'll guess

OMG i love her! shes so cute...Mom I found her on the road...can I keep her?
Ha ha that's awesome. Stick figures was kinda cool too. The first time they did the sex change, that was funny but nobody understood it and people were freaking out (which was funny too)
Karate Jesus
I pwnd U
Lame, I wish she would do some more emotes besides sit... Still a pretty cool idea.
Dawn Angelheart
i love this april fools joke

Look at your avatars lol, it's beeen switched I think
Karate Jesus
Lame, I wish she would do some more emotes besides sit... Still a pretty cool idea.
himynameisKarateJesusandthismessageisapparentlytoo short
Gun Pierson
Neo Nugget
We need a tonic like that, very cool anet. Bravo!
Karate Jesus
says the wiki:
The 1st day of April, known as April Fools' Day, was celebrated in all cities, mission outposts, and outposts.
And I just wish it _was_ over.
I don't care for cuteness in an rpg (else I'd probably be playing hello kitty online), it's immersion breaking and in poor taste (and I'm proven right considering the many pedo jokes in this thread).
But as I seem to be the only one who is not enjoying this "joke" in any way at all, I'll shut up, close my eyes and try to spend my time today with vanquishing or some other outdoor activity, or maybe not playing the game at all else I'd be haunted by those puppets for the rest of my gw life.
The 1st day of April, known as April Fools' Day, was celebrated in all cities, mission outposts, and outposts.
And I just wish it _was_ over.

But as I seem to be the only one who is not enjoying this "joke" in any way at all, I'll shut up, close my eyes and try to spend my time today with vanquishing or some other outdoor activity, or maybe not playing the game at all else I'd be haunted by those puppets for the rest of my gw life.
Qing Guang
Eh, it was hilarious when I first logged on, mildly amusing for the next 5 minutes or so, then ranging from kinda meh to outright annoying. It'd be nice if there were variations or something. I want a tonic of it, though!
Definitely still better than the stick people last year, but it can't approach the gender bender in 2007. I really wish I had been around for that one.
Definitely still better than the stick people last year, but it can't approach the gender bender in 2007. I really wish I had been around for that one.