So today I booted up GW. I did a bit of RA and then standing in the outpost, I was looking through my graphical options and clicked the highest refresh rate. Suddenly my screen went black and in the middle the words.
1:Analog Input
This video mode is not available.
So I start it up again, the same happens. I try it twice more. I have also tried Repairing the Installation and Direct X 9.0c. What can I do to play again?
Unable to Play
Ranger Jonah
Does your computer screen always say Analog Input or is it only when you try to start GW?
Probably u must:
1. Completely unistall Guild Wars from your hard
2. Delete all registry entries related to your Guild Wars
3. re-Install and then starting GW with the -image commandline
4. then restarting your GW without any commandline after finished 3.
5. pray you don't have partially burned your monitor... or video card :-))
another method is:
1. start gw.exe with the -windowed command line
2. browse till your video options then choose something human-like setup
3. then choose full screen play
Hope you can resolve... Sorry for my bad english - I'm not american lol
1. Completely unistall Guild Wars from your hard
2. Delete all registry entries related to your Guild Wars
3. re-Install and then starting GW with the -image commandline
4. then restarting your GW without any commandline after finished 3.
5. pray you don't have partially burned your monitor... or video card :-))
another method is:
1. start gw.exe with the -windowed command line
2. browse till your video options then choose something human-like setup
3. then choose full screen play
Hope you can resolve... Sorry for my bad english - I'm not american lol
Originally Posted by BaronDimir
press alt-enter once you fired up GW. this forces windowed mode, which then you can readjust your settings.
Ranger Jonah
The alt enter thing worked. Thanks a lot.