A Look Into the Future....

Stealth Bomberman

Stealth Bomberman

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2008

So sins have pretty much lost their swagger. I don't see many more things Anet can do to sins to make them more or less powerful. I feel sins will be overrun by young kids wanting a ninja type character and the expert sins that have kept with them since the release of factions will soon die out with their class.

I myself am lossing intrest in this class as well. Problem is, there's really nothing else I want to play (PvE wise).

If anyone has any insight to how the sin will work, how they would like them to work, or if the sin will even be in Gw2, share your thoughts here. .

P.S.: don't mistake this for a QQ thread. I just want to hear what other people think of the unwanted class.

Lux Aeterna

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2009


Close Enough [XVII]


mm every other person pretty much still plays sin. i used one for the double faction JQ weekend and found that it could 1v1 kill nearly all builds in under 6-7 seconds except for lucky WoH monks and wammos (16 dagger 15 deadly triple KD chain).

How have sins been nerfed ( I play warrior usually ).

Also: sins suck in pve unless perhaps you're picking priority targets from a mob (such as healers and nukers) or linebacking for your team.

Betrayer of Wind

Betrayer of Wind

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2008


Agents of Indecision[meh]


DB/Moebius is alot of dps with such a simple build,and it can spike targets at the same time with asura scan,EBSoH etc,it can also recharge trampling ox for a perma KD on a hard boss or healer.
AP with a deadly attack chain also works pretty good for taking out priority targets and moving to the next one.
Sins can run a great variety of weapons just like rangers can,making them pretty versatile.
Biggest flaw on sins are their heavy dependance on enchantments imo.

Sins just got really popular not cuz of young kids,but for shadow form(b4 the nerf elementalists got popular cuz of that).If anything is going to be nerfed its gonna be shadow form only,there arent any overpowered skills other than SF to be nerfed.

Experienced sins prob have a big list of effective builds involving diferent weapons,diferent play styles,i dont see how they are close to die with so many options.



??ber t??k-n??sh'??n

Join Date: Jan 2006



strange, i still play my sin occasionally (pvp predominately), and its still as powerful as ever.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2009


We Be Noggin


I love playing my sin (my main) every day

Hatchet Child

Hatchet Child

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No longer actively playing.


Originally Posted by Lux Aeterna View Post
Also: sins suck in pve unless perhaps you're picking priority targets from a mob (such as healers and nukers) or linebacking for your team.

Try that. You'll be amazed how wrong you are.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008

Somewhere between GW and GW2

Shaved Wookies [HoT]


Just listen to these guys. Sins are still one of the powerhouses in PvE with their DB/Moebius, Shadowform, and critweapon (scythe,barrage,etc) builds. They are not as unwanted as a ritualist or paragon as what Thrasher said. Also, Sins still own in PvP for the most part. I just got bored of mine since I like my rit's looks and style more than my sin but he's still pretty decked out. They're still good bud. Very good.

Skyy High

Skyy High

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2006


The currently most profitable team farm - UWSC - uses 7 sins. Sins have the easiest, most lucrative, and most successful farms in the game. Besides that, they have DB/Moebius, which has never been nerfed, and plenty of bars that still make them dangerous in low level PvP. I fail to see the complaint.

Super Igor


Join Date: Mar 2008

why should you kno? Oo


Are you actually calling sins are unwanted class?

-Best tank.
-Best DPS.

PvP (when buffed):
-pewpewpewpewpewpew Palm Strike

This is underpowered? This is unwanted??

I laugh at you!

Fail less, seriously.

Stealth Bomberman

Stealth Bomberman

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2008

Originally Posted by The Thrasher View Post
Try playing paragon or ritualist, in both pve and pvp. Then you'll understand the meaning of being unwanted.
ive done both and paras are def not unwanted.

Quote: I was talking about PvE only, maybe I should have clarified.

Originally Posted by Super Igor View Post
Are you actually calling sins are unwanted class?

-Best tank.
-Best DPS.

PvP (when buffed):
-pewpewpewpewpewpew Palm Strike

This is underpowered? This is unwanted??

I laugh at you!

Fail less, seriously.
ur missing the point sir. unwanted meaning no1 wants them right? whens the last time u zoned in a mission outpost and all the grps were like "oooo sin!!!! join us plz!!!".

im lookin towards more a pvp aspect newayz so i could care less bout pve. i know they rip sht up in pve. outside of [palm strike] and gank builds sins have no real class. i like the little bastards dont get me wrong, they just need to be reworked in gw2 to get my attention again like when fact first came out.

Shemsu Anpw

Shemsu Anpw

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2008

Sephirot - Keter

I personally love my Crit Barrage and Crit Interupter Sin. Sin's just require a little finesse to use their attributes to their fullest. Paragons and Rits (I have both) do get the short end of the stick in parties some of the time (The Deep for example for Paragons), people don't really see a point in "support" type classes unless they are monks ususally. I presonally love my Rit and Para but hate my Monk. I guess my point is if you re not 'feeling' your class take a break and have fun with something else. Your Sin wil be there when you get back.



Join Date: Feb 2008


Hey Mallyx [icU]


Go look up the Warrior vs. Sin threads where I got flamed by half the TAM alliance for saying Sins are good.

And OP, you are so wrong. Play your Sin more. They're really really overpowered.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2008


It'll be hard to "improve" assassins unless they have large changes with them in the future (Guild Wars 2, etc). My assassin is likely the character I least died with and there's so many tricks to keep me alive to attack. Crit Barrage is a pretty good alternative with fast heal and energy management, as well.
In PvE sins had been degrade to a Farmcharacter. Thousands created an Assassin for that. First, after SF-Buff four Underworld, later for Budger and now or every Speedclear.
Of cpurse is that overpowered. Yes the bandwagon effect was very offputting for players who's Sin is their first & main char (such as myself). However, Sins are very very very overpowered when it comes to normal PvE with regular builds like [Moebius Strike][Death Blossom] spam or [WOunding Strike][Aura of Holy Might][Way of the Master][Critical Agility] type builds where they abuse critical strikes to get insane damage with the scythes.

Rick Thene

Rick Thene

Academy Page

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Big Domage Krewe [DoMe]


Agreed that Sins do just fine in regular PvE. I'm not much of a farmer/runner (I only perma-farm Raptors), but I can see how they're pretty OP at it.

Also agreed that the Sin pretty much needed to be nerfed for PvP unless Anet felt like changing the Sin and they're gameplay mechanics to make them less one-dimensional.

Here's hoping that Sins, under any name, are more thought out for GW2.

Axel Zinfandel

Axel Zinfandel

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2007

Northeastern Ohio



Sins suffer from the same dissadvantages in PvE that Paragons do. Cookie cutter builds with all others being unwanted.

There are two main cookie cutter builds that sins play casual PvE:
1. Mobius/DB
2. Scythe sin

That's it.

Now Diabolical

Now Diabolical

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2008

Team Everfrost [eF]


PvE-Only Skills are overpowered too, I always tried not to use them.

You can try something with IAS + Conjure + [[Locust's Fury].

Or something with [[Golden Skull Strike] for bosses and another offhand-attack during the recharge.

There are still many not common Builds. I used to play something like that.



??ber t??k-n??sh'??n

Join Date: Jan 2006



i'm pretty sure caster sins are 123456 also.

The 123456 comment is often used to describe a build that is utterly rigid in nature, with no allowance for variation depending on circumstances.

assassins, by the nature of their rigid and inflexible attack combos, are such builds by default. caster sins are the same. trying the argue the point is futile.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006


[assassin's promise][you move like a dwarf][ebon vanguard assassin support][finish him!] is an x/a build so it doesn't really count as a asscaster/caster sin...

that said...caster sins are inferior to dagger sins and only ran because of "omg they keep blocking my attacks" or "omg you mean i have to walk all the way up the enemy to kill him?"