So here's a little preview till i finish that april comic..
Fullsize Deviant link:
Heed the prophecy well! The end is near!
On April 1st, all citizens of Tyria who were stronger than a newborn baby, transformed into a Chibinized 10 year old little girl, named Gwen.
But that was only inside an outpost. Adventurers who came to rest from their long journey were greeted immediately by this marching army, ready to conquer anything on it's path!
Also, I can totally hear the Azumanga march in my head now.
Drew it in flash (YES! FLASH! Just because I don't like Illustrator) and did the rest in Photoshop.
Other wallpaper sizes are coming up after I fix some stuff.
And the comic where I made this for, of course.
Gwen's March
Eragon Zarroc
lol, so many mini-gwens! =D very nice
Elder III
hehe nice work - I hate the little ingame Gwens, but I applaud your effort nonetheless.