Originally Posted by MrTickle
3, GUILD wars ... join a guild that do dungeons or whatever
WARS ... just play PvP already

(sorry, couldn't help it)
Anyway, I've already repeated my view on "PvE balance" a few times, but for the sake of filling this thread with something besides QQing about it and QQing about other people QQing, i'll type it out again.
The sad, sad thruth about PvE in Guild Wars is that it shouldn't be balanced.
This might sound odd at first, but i'm fairly certain we can all agree that the majority of PvE players just want to get "things done".
They are not looking for a challenge (some are, i know, but i'm talking majority here). They are looking for "achievements", ranging from shiny objects to titles to whatever PvE-ers do these days.
When Arenanet decided to introduce "elite areas" and "hard mode" with better spoils, that majority of PvE-ers didn't want the challenge of "harder PvE". They wanted the spoils that came with it (titles, stuff like tormented weapons, Voltaic spears, frog scepters, ...). And when a few smart people came up with an easy way to get it done, everyone hopped on it like bees on honey.
Arenanet made a key error when designing "hard" areas to be about "bigger, harder, stronger" monsters. The "correct" way would be to put in better AI, and more balanced groups, reducing the amounts of gimmicks one could use.
I'm sorry, but the moment they seperated PvE from PvP, that was pretty much thé obvious sign balance in PvE does not, and will never, matter.
So you can either whine about it, or find a group of like-minded people and enjoy Guild Wars the way you want. I wish you the best of luck if you chose the latter, since it's obviously the harder, but more enjoyable option.