i'm looking for a Female necro with primeval armor and a blindfold.
whatever the dye is of the armor
but she needs to have the same hair of the necro on the Guild Wars Collector's Edition box (prophes)
request: primeval + blindfold
The Female Necro
Archress Shayleigh
Lol dude, if it's only the headpiece you want, just wiki Primeval Armor and Blindfold, go to female necro primeval and go to female necro gallery in the blindfold... and compare. For a headpiece that's also pretty easy to imagine, no offence, kinda stupid request.
The Female Necro
Where can i find the gallery? i just want to see how it looks from the back.
The only thing i see their is a monk head
Still searching for it!
The only thing i see their is a monk head
Still searching for it!