moveable ping gem in obs mode
i'm surprised nobody has brought this up before, but please let us move the location of the "ping gem" in obs mode. currently, it's stuck in the lower right corner, with no possibility of it moving.
I havent bothered to search but im sure people have said this before. But yeh why not, couldn't hurt.
hmm seems a bit nit picky to me, moving the little ping/fps dot on the screen just for observer mode. If thats what u mean. Sure if it makes people play guild wars all the more... 
I open up the party windows myself in ob mode. to see things happenening better, they move around the screen cover the dot. if they couldn't take the time to balance smiters boon in pvp i doubt this will

I open up the party windows myself in ob mode. to see things happenening better, they move around the screen cover the dot. if they couldn't take the time to balance smiters boon in pvp i doubt this will

just click options on the interface monitor get rid of the performance monitor or move it then beforehand
Snow Bunny
Why do you care?
Archress Shayleigh
Lol that tiny puny dot shouldn't bother anyone...
Also if it reaaaally bothers you just remove it by doing this: F11 > Interface > then just drag the dot to somewhere u don't mind. still, /notsigned
Also if it reaaaally bothers you just remove it by doing this: F11 > Interface > then just drag the dot to somewhere u don't mind. still, /notsigned
Reverend Dr
Maybe this isn't an issue of wanting to ignore it, maybe it is the exact opposite that they want it in a more prominent place.
The point is that the interface monitor cannot be moved in Obs mode. Try it, push F11 there is no option to drag there is no option to turn off. At least check before you open your mouth.
The point is that the interface monitor cannot be moved in Obs mode. Try it, push F11 there is no option to drag there is no option to turn off. At least check before you open your mouth.
Eragon Zarroc
lol, what's the point? if u can give a valid reason for why it is in the way, maybe. otherwise it doesn't seem like a pressing enough issue to worry about.
because i want it somewhere else? and because it is an obvious oversight?
Shayne Hawke
It's just a little blip. It's even in a corner of the screen. F11 and toggle it off if it annoys you that much.
Maybe he wants it, and wants to put it somewhere he can see it, because he has something else in that spot?
Why wouldn't you want that option?
(but... GW2!!!!!!!!!)
Why wouldn't you want that option?
(but... GW2!!!!!!!!!)
i've just realized that a lot of you can't read.
and yes, i do have something else in that spot: one of the two party bars. since i seem to have a rather inconsistent connection, i want to see if that funky movement that i see on screen is caused by lag or not, hence why i want that gem movable.
and btw, if you can't notice the difference in complexity between this and an auction house, you are blind.
and yes, i do have something else in that spot: one of the two party bars. since i seem to have a rather inconsistent connection, i want to see if that funky movement that i see on screen is caused by lag or not, hence why i want that gem movable.
and btw, if you can't notice the difference in complexity between this and an auction house, you are blind.
Reverend Dr
just move it before you enter observation mode if you know your gonna have that problem thats how i do it