at last some intelligent people with good opinions about the game and valid points
Your Fiery Dragon Sword vs. Ice Golems statement is quite flawed. That's like saying if I use Gladiator's Defense in an area with enemies that attack physically that I'm exploiting the system.
sorry my statment is anything but are exploiting an enemies weakness by using what did you think I meant? and i was compairing to exploiting my armour to maximum effect. Also yes using glads defense in the game is exploiting the enemy if they continue to attack...why do people not understand what the term exploit means?
to get back to my original point, there is too many cross class nerfing being called for because of other classes being disgruntled...Im not saying all are or course not but still too many are and it should stop before we ruin a good game and make everyone unhappy.
Anet dissaprove of farming because of gold selling? you meant to say Anet dissaprove of gold selling, not the fact that there are legit players just trying to get enough gold without scamming etc for that FoW armour.
Again I dont think exploiting the game is a bad thing...were all trying to do it in some way and thats part of any game
I just want to point out that this guy ACTUALLY SAID THIS.
mmm use your brain lol I was discussing exploiting skills and armour for your benefit same as exploiting an enemies weakness. if your going to post partial statments at least read the entire post before trying to tell me what I meant. Im not hacking scamming or anything, just identifying aspects of the game and using them for my benefit and thats all smae as everyone who want the best armour, wepons and skill combinations.
why does no1 ever bring up the 3-4 man Trapping groups?
are they exploiting?
no i dont think so but many others do...thats my point, i wonder why they think that?...jealousy maybe?...good for ranger trappers if it gives thm something to do or makes em feel rewarded for choosing the ranger class
but dont call for nerfs...or (cough) fixes lol your spoiling others enjoyment. of course there are some exceptions, but not regarding classes being particulary good at one thing or another.