I need to know of a fast way to title grind to rank 5 norn. I'm using paragon btw if that helps.
thanx in advance
Norn Title Grinding
Stealth Bomberman
Kerwyn Nasilan
Fill out and turn in a hero's/ master dungeon handbook.
Eragon Zarroc
yeah, just burn through the missions real quick and turn in a book. otherwise u could vanquish a couple times. shouldn't be hard if ur an imbagon ;-)
Rank 5 is only 26,000 points. A normal mode Heroes Handbook will get you 20,000 points, plus the points from kills and quests while completing the book. Finish the game, turn in your book, done. If you can't wait to complete the game, then Vanquish. If you can't Vanquish yet, then go complete the game
Easiest way to complete the game is to get a run to every town, that usually cuts about an hour to an hour and a half of pointless fighting and getting to places, after that it should only take you a couple of hours to complete it and turn in your book