April Fool's Comic
Derrick the Nomad
I'll be attempting two of these a month and I won't have to worry about managing a site because they'll probably be hosted here:
another comic if you follow the link
I might redraw all the old comics as well.
Leave comments if you like.
I've always enjoyed your comics. :] This one is really cute even if I did hate gwen-chan for the horrific camera.
Can't wait to see more~
Can't wait to see more~
Jecht Scye
lol, love the artwork. I especially thought the comic with the bear posted on your website was funny. This strip will have to be on my long list of things to look out for in Nolani!
Archress Shayleigh
Nice~~ Very funny!
Eragon Zarroc
lmao, that's hilarious
Antares Ascending
Looking forward to seeing more. I missed the first one. Got a big grin out of that one to.
Looking forward to seeing more. I missed the first one. Got a big grin out of that one to.
Derrick the Nomad
Originally Posted by Antares Ascending
Looking forward to seeing more. I missed the first one. Got a big grin out of that one to. http://robot-zombies.com/geartrick.htm
This is an old site with a lot of bugs (I had planned on fixing them but never got around to it) but you can see a lot of the ther older comics.
Looking forward to seeing more. I missed the first one. Got a big grin out of that one to. http://robot-zombies.com/geartrick.htm
This is an old site with a lot of bugs (I had planned on fixing them but never got around to it) but you can see a lot of the ther older comics.
Sirocco Starluck
I have the hero flag one saved. I still lawl at that one frequently. X3
Really nice, read them all lol.
i loved both comics! i hope you continue to do both. thought the gw one was my favorite. the scene with you and turtle were sooo cute! i not sure which one was cuter the turtle or you.
Originally Posted by Derrick the Nomad