Nicholas Sandford
Gun Pierson
I think it's a nice addition to pre-sear yes.
But before add some things can you adjust the old things? (xth reward points?)
Any news on if a mini drops from those gifts? I think it would be a great incentive to keep people in pre where it's more fun anyway :P
New lunar fortunes if u ask me. gogo new mini (if there was no new mini, and just lousy 5 party\booze points items, than why would anet limit it to 5 gifts a day?).
own age myname
Linsey even said it on her pre character....
go cubs
Apollo Smile
Todays collectable is skeleton limbs. Gogo catacombs farming. Also today's dialog further proves Professor Yakkington is a badass.
All the months, nay years I've had stacks of collectibles on my perma-pre, and I cashed them all in a few weeks ago.
This is a recurring story in my Guild Wars life - I bought a new account for storage purposes, the very day before they introduced additional slots ><
Skelly Limbs are a pain to amass, in comparison with Charred wassnames. I'm ready for him when he wants the things that the Devourers drop, though.
Mind you, with my luck, he's never going to want those, is he?
This is a recurring story in my Guild Wars life - I bought a new account for storage purposes, the very day before they introduced additional slots ><
Skelly Limbs are a pain to amass, in comparison with Charred wassnames. I'm ready for him when he wants the things that the Devourers drop, though.
Mind you, with my luck, he's never going to want those, is he?
Started a perma-pre after this update. Says it all.
Rehnahvah Gahro
I would suggest per-account trade in.
People are just deleting their chars over and over again to collect multiples of 25 Gifts.
Other than that, it's a nice addition to pre.
People are just deleting their chars over and over again to collect multiples of 25 Gifts.
Other than that, it's a nice addition to pre.
Monk of Myst
I think it's a nice addition. I don't spend much time in Pre, but I still like it. I also think it's interesting that he's a level 20 NPC, wonder what that foretells.
On a side note, it would be nice to have collectors like this in Post Searing as well so you could get fireworks and other goodies year round. |
1.) 3 Mandragor Roots will get you the Mandragor Cake in Yohlon Haven from Yajide
2.) 5 Sentiant Spores will get you a Bottle of Vabbian Wine in Vehtendi Valley from Ahoj
I would like to agree that this is a good addition for Pre, especially for those of us who are going for the defender title and just want something else to do with our time rather than just grinding for one title.
Chicken of the Seas
Today's item is unnatural seeds. Gogo!
Actually, there are 2 collectors in Nightfall which trade stuff for either sweets or booze.
1.) 3 Mandragor Roots will get you the Mandragor Cake in Yohlon Haven from Yajide 2.) 5 Sentiant Spores will get you a Bottle of Vabbian Wine in Vehtendi Valley from Ahoj |
Anyhow, it seems that Nicholas now offers per account basis rather than per character.
Copenhagen Master
I like the idea but really honeycombs??? in PRE???
i dont get why there is a daily limit...but still a cool addition
i forsee a couple of People Know Me titles springing up in the future
i forsee a couple of People Know Me titles springing up in the future
There are bees in of the quests there even involves luring some bees away from a farmer.
/ontopic I think this is a really good addition to presearing. Nice to see a little bit of new content there
/ontopic I think this is a really good addition to presearing. Nice to see a little bit of new content there

I earned 15k on my pre-sear char this weekend. I have done the 5 items a day to the trader, and been selling the gifts. I may max my pre-sear chars money by the weekend, roll him to post and build a new one. I love the trader.
Another Felldspar
A little love for pre-searing could never be a bad thing

Monk of Myst
Difference is that theese collectors are not exactly good way to go for titles. For either item, it is more efficient to farm cash and buy mechant sweet/booze. That bad.
But I'm still all for this addition. It gives my pre character something else to do than just going after the defender title. :P
Latest quote says hes off to cantha but i don't recon he actually is.
They could do a week in each nooby island, then again can he time travel?.....
edit: i just got told to not tell a newb where the secret area is because apparently it devalues the gifts...right?
They could do a week in each nooby island, then again can he time travel?.....
edit: i just got told to not tell a newb where the secret area is because apparently it devalues the gifts...right?
That's what i said and besides its not like hes a secret, everyone knows where he is or atleast can look on wiki. I don't see how it would devalue a gift anyway....
I've been enjoying collecting the item of the day, and getting the gifts. People who cry about everything other people do devaluing *their* playing experience are morons.
Really good to see that they care at least a bit about pre-searing.
I wonder why he and his yak are not mentioned in the update notes.. or am I just blind?
Would be nice to see a few more of these little additions.. they make the game more.. alive.
I wonder why he and his yak are not mentioned in the update notes.. or am I just blind?
Would be nice to see a few more of these little additions.. they make the game more.. alive.
Minako Sawai
It is a nice little addition to Pre, the models are nicely done, the daily text is cute, the gifts are minor but motivate many to play a bit more in Pre, and it is just a fun little thing. Fort Ranik now has a bit of life to it and depending on the item of the day, many of the other outposts are busier. Players are offering to team up a bit more from what I've seen, either to show newer players where something is, or just to go out and collect stuff.
Thank you to Linsey and everyone else involved!
Thank you to Linsey and everyone else involved!
oooo an NPC with my surname...
Regina Buenaobra
We wanted him to be a bit of a surprise, though Linsey, Martin, and I did go in-game to provide some helpful (frustrating? :-P) hints on the day.
We wanted him to be a bit of a surprise, though Linsey, Martin, and I did go in-game to provide some helpful (frustrating? :-P) hints on the day.
Gaile told us taken characters there couldn't happen anymore
Its different they have DEv powers
Depending on the right situation it is exceptable to allow them to time travel. As long as he didn't kill a butterfly

Would be nice to see a few more of these little additions.. they make the game more.. alive.
The only thing is that I never know what to do with those collector items drops, dont need weapons of them, there are
dropping enough nice weapons as it is.. so what to do with those drops.
Those kind of collector (not to many) hidden some where in fields or forrest
would make exploring very funny.
I know that I posted long a go a option to change some existing weapon
collectors in somekind of consumable collectors.. And believe me, there will be
lots of people that wanna spend lots of hours roaming some woods and fields once more.
When they now there drops can be changed in somything eatable, drinkable, shinig or what ever.
Raven Wing
I definitely like him. A new fun story every day (as long as it lasts, maybe he will start recycling the items and stories after some time).
Revived my dusty pre ranger that I had LDOA in mind for, but gave up. Today it took me 15mins to earn 10 strong ale and 15 party items, not too bad. After a while you will have some stachs that you can sell or take to post and use or sell there.
I also recruited a guild member just by showing him the location of Nicholas
Revived my dusty pre ranger that I had LDOA in mind for, but gave up. Today it took me 15mins to earn 10 strong ale and 15 party items, not too bad. After a while you will have some stachs that you can sell or take to post and use or sell there.
I also recruited a guild member just by showing him the location of Nicholas

Prof Yakkington for President!!!

Ranger Jonah
Professor Yakkington, I need to make a Prophs char just to see him... What a brilliant name.
I like this I'm thinking of trying Legendary Defender of Ascalon now

Um why doesn't Regina say anything about how you can delete a character and keep getting gifts?? I mean sure it requires work but that's not how it's suppose to be intended. I'm saying this cause I want to do it and not get banned and if I'm going to get banned for doing it then I want to know beforehand.
Before you guys think I"m ruining things for you, it says it right on the wiki page linked in the first post so it's out there already. But I rather not get banned.
Before you guys think I"m ruining things for you, it says it right on the wiki page linked in the first post so it's out there already. But I rather not get banned.