Yes indeed, The Ascension show LIVE!!! with your host, LoneSamurai! (and special guests)
Click the link for your player to tune in:
The residents of The Sardelac Sanitarium.FM take to the air waves in celebration of Guild Wars 4th birthday
The Sanitarium.FM brings you 15 hours of non stop birthday madness
April 28th 2009, 3pm til 6am GMT (10am til 1am EST)
in conjunction with
with guest dj's -
Martin Kerstein
Regina Buenaobra
Aswell as joining us in Sardelac Sanitarium, feel free to join us on IRC @ #GuildWars
or click the IRC - Javalink on the website @
Cya all there guys and we'll be taking live music requests via the website and IRC
(to use the website request function, sign up to the forum at and log in on the website to activate the request system)
Crack open the Dwarven Ale!
Station Owner and Guild Wars Community Team Leader
The Sanitarium.FM