Hello, GWguru, long time no see. I used to have a Guild Wars account, but it was hacked and I never saw it again. After being bored with Counter Strike: Source, I decided to spend a quick ten hours in a trail account, but before I start I want to know when I'm done with the trail, can I go to the store, buy the game, and continue on with the character I made in the trial?
I just don't want to waste time leveling up a mesmer when I can't use him anymore. Thanks for your time.
Quick Question Regarding Trial Account
Yes you should be able to as my guild m8 did it that way. I got him hooked
Yep Yep.. did this yesterday... tho I just went to gamestop and purchased GW:Trilogy then added the key instead of the online store (you get GW/Faction/Nightfall chapters for 49.99). Kept on playng like nothing happened and now I have access to all three chapters, an Imp that is cool and more character slots. Cheers.
As long as the character you made in the trial started in the same place as whatever campaign you are going to get(ie you started a Proph char and later buy the Proph campaign), you'll be able to keep playing it.
Until April 22nd, amazon.com has a special - buy the Trilogy (all three campaigns) and get a free Eye of the North expansion for $47 and free shipping.
It works just like paid games. If you haven't paid your account will be frozen. In guildwars, after you've finished the Trial Key your characters for the campaign you were testing but haven't yet paid for will also be frozen, until you buy that campaign.