Hidden Treasures (Dungeons)
Boneyard Spleeneater
I have noticed that not all of the hidden treasures that are noted in the wikis are actually there. Do they have some sort of randomness to their spawn?
Any specific ones you are referring to? All the ones I've seen on wiki have been there, never seen a random spawn for them.
Lord Of Blame
Yes, some hidden treasures may be there on one run and not there on the next run.
I have to agree with Red, in a few dungeons the spawns may be glitched, but not many, in my experience theyre not at all random, but as i usually am, i may be wrong . But can spawn in dull places, like sometimes behind an unaccessable wall. Which dungeon(s) are you referring to?
Rak Orgon of Beowulf
not every hidden treasure is there every time.
Eragon Zarroc
wiki denotes all "possible spawns". this means that even though there are many marked, only about half of those will pop up during the dungeon ;-)
Codin The Great
Some of the drops are really rare to get but they note it that its possible to get one but rarely pops up. So yeah not all things wiki mentions will pop up but they still can come out of the chest but a small chance.
Boneyard Spleeneater
No specific dungeon. I have seen it in a couple. I did Temple of the Damned tonight, and Ooze Pit the other day, and a few of the hidden treasures were missing in each. It leads me to believe that the noted spawns are just possible locations, and may vary between runs.
In the Sep, I've noticed several random spawns. And the first one on the second floor always seems broken.
While the locations of hidden treasueres is not random, thier spawning is. Some will be there more often than others.
Boneyard Spleeneater
So, if there are three hidden treasures listed, it is safe to assume that I may find all three of them, but I will at least find one?
I assumed that if it was listed it was there. Apparently that is not the case.
I assumed that if it was listed it was there. Apparently that is not the case.
Correct. The wiki marks all possible spawn points. Actual appearance of the hiddens (except for the ghost ones) is random and determined by the program upon entering the instance (level).