Looking for Runner - 6 HM Tyrian Missions


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2008

My guild hall (which smells of rich mahogany, i wish)


Hi, I also need the bonus for these. I (of course) will pay. I've tried so hard on each of these but I can't make it, and I'm getting worn out trying over and over again.

I need Divinity Coast, The Wilds, Frost Gate, Borlis Pass, Sanctum Cay, and JUST the bonus for Dunes of Despair.

If anyone could PLEASE help, I will pay well, and i'll really appreciate it. Thanks. post back, or more preferrable pm me ingame. thanks!!!


Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

I remember I did all the Tyrian HM missions H/H, so I don't mind helping you, although since I'm not a professional runner we might run into problems.


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2008

My guild hall (which smells of rich mahogany, i wish)


thatd be awesome! ill pm u ingame!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Staring At my computer

Knights an Heroes


Feel free to PM me as well. I regularly help people out through missions in both HM and NM.


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2008

My guild hall (which smells of rich mahogany, i wish)


ok bullet ill pm u as soon as i see u on next!

And ty for all your guys' help!