Need a farmer for The Ugly Stick.

mender of bad soles

Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2009



Hi there, looking for someone willing to farm the ugly stick for me. Always wanted one, but can't be bothered to farm it myself.

It drops from Tembarr Treefall in The Eternal grove. Fairly difficult farm, but I'm willing to pay well. PM me to discuss price, cash is not a problem for me

IGN: Mender of Bad soles( add me to friends, I hop chars constantly.)



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2009


-=XG=- X-treme Gamers


Have just tried doing a shout out in game for: WTB UglyStick? Try Kamadan or Lions dist1....Would probably be faster and a lot cheaper, I'm thinking 1-5k tops...just a suggestion.