Suggestions on my website(artwork)?

Dee Cazo

Dee Cazo

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2008

Cielo Defisa


So I have my guild site that I custom coded with Adobe dreamweaver all bymyself. I made it real basic but nice so that it wasnt load with a bunch of garbage that no one cared about.

I thought seeing as this is my work of art if anyone could offer some help. I am looking for a good forum to link to thats free but I can customize in colors and such. I was also wondering if anyone knows how to work a form script so people can apply to join. Seeing as the straight to email one just loads up Outlook Express for 99% of people and no one uses/cares about it.

Anyways I am not trying to plug my website or anything you can tell by looking at it. If this is against any rules I apologize again.

Cielo Defisa


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2007

Grolsch Guild


Is your website on a sever running php and MySql, If so then there is lots of forum software thats free and easy to use.

i would recommend SMF (Simple Machines Forum).

Google it to find its website.

About the registration form, you don't want users to have to fill in a form, and then you get the email, and then you add them as a user to the site. You really want a form which they fill in, then it emails them their details, confirming they are a member, the form then a,so adds the user to the system automatically.

The forum software will do this for you.
