Add the option to have Savior title have a U in it!
Darth The Xx
Seriously this may seem like a small thing, but it really gets on my nerves whenever I see Saviour spelt without the U. To me it looks like a spelling mistake, whats the harm in adding a little option?
What do u guys think?
What do u guys think?
Even though I can not see this happening, I would love for 'savior' to be spelt correctly with the U 
I could go on a long rant about the British creating the language and therefore our spelling is correct etc etc but... I'll leave that for another day :P

I could go on a long rant about the British creating the language and therefore our spelling is correct etc etc but... I'll leave that for another day :P
What about Armor and Favor, want that changed too?
I don't think we could have an 'option' of the way a word is displayed. To make this viable, Anet would need to implement another Language: - American English and British English.
I don't think we could have an 'option' of the way a word is displayed. To make this viable, Anet would need to implement another Language: - American English and British English.
It's spelled Savior, and that's how it's gonna stay. Suck it up.
Yeah... this is top priority bug-fix!
And lets change dye to colour while we're at it.
And lets change dye to colour while we're at it.
Unless you're kinda new to the internet, you should know that American-English usually takes dominance over British-English.
What Arduinna said is right.
To solve your problem, a new language would need to be implemented
and for what exactly? 60% more U's?
I've always typed using British-English because that's what I was taught.
However, I was also taught the american spellings for certain words.
So it doesn't bother me at all to read a few words that have a letter missing. o.O
Something that does bother me though, is the american formatting of dates...
MM/DD/YY is just ...strange. Especially when the day shown is before the 12th, because then I can easily mistake it for a british formatted date =P
(...and no, I'm not suggesting to change date formatting, lol)
What Arduinna said is right.
To solve your problem, a new language would need to be implemented
and for what exactly? 60% more U's?
I've always typed using British-English because that's what I was taught.
However, I was also taught the american spellings for certain words.
So it doesn't bother me at all to read a few words that have a letter missing. o.O
Something that does bother me though, is the american formatting of dates...
MM/DD/YY is just ...strange. Especially when the day shown is before the 12th, because then I can easily mistake it for a british formatted date =P
(...and no, I'm not suggesting to change date formatting, lol)
Marty Silverblade
This really doesn't bother me in the least (I use Australian English), and no offence, but I don't think anyone other than you cares at all either.
In some cases Wiki decides not to recognise words spelt the British way, and will only accept it Americanised.
This kinda annoys me more than reading it spelt differently... as I automatically spell it with the 'u' and would like it to realise that it's the same thing.
I noticed it used to redirect to the page more in the past but dunno, seems to fail more nowadays
This kinda annoys me more than reading it spelt differently... as I automatically spell it with the 'u' and would like it to realise that it's the same thing.
I noticed it used to redirect to the page more in the past but dunno, seems to fail more nowadays
If your going to call a language English, it should be British English, as in, English that comes from England. /end rant.
I dislike the the American way of spelling, the date formatting is annoying aswell. Since they have so many other languages in game, why not add the two variants of English for GW2?
Also another word for the list, "customized"
I dislike the the American way of spelling, the date formatting is annoying aswell. Since they have so many other languages in game, why not add the two variants of English for GW2?
Also another word for the list, "customized"
Shayne Hawke
This will not improve the game in the slightest.
This will improve the game a lot
This will bring people back to the game.
i use Australian English (same as British) and honestly, it's just a game,
i don't care if its spelled savior or saviour, flavour flavor, honor honour, centre center, metre meter.
its the same difference, doesn't effect the game play at all.
i don't care if its spelled savior or saviour, flavour flavor, honor honour, centre center, metre meter.
its the same difference, doesn't effect the game play at all.
Originally Posted by Arena Net General Contact Info
ArenaNet, Inc.
227 Bellevue Way NE #75 Bellevue, WA 98004 |
USA = American English
To 59 million of you, "savior" might look mispelled.
To 251 million of us, it looks correct.
Really... it's the same. They're both acceptable spellings somewhere.
I'm just curious as to how many of you realized I misspelled "misspelled".
Eragon Zarroc
it's already spelled correctly ;-) why change what is already correct =D
Its beyond my thought process to understand why people let the smallest things in life bother them. Last time i checked, there are so many huge problems in the world to be brought to attention......yet a certain word spelling variation eats at your soul. Whats really bothering you?
Crassus Praetor
I've thought about this before and while it would be nice to have the English (*cough* original) spelling, I couldn't really see it adding much to the gaming experience.
Never the less if it were an option in GW I would have it ON.
I would also be using the option to stop people using 'then' in place of 'than'
Never the less if it were an option in GW I would have it ON.
I would also be using the option to stop people using 'then' in place of 'than'

Guild Wars' English is American English, like its Spanish is the Spanish from Spain.
You can't pretend them to add ne language version for every quirk in every language in any region of the world.
You can always try Bork! Bork! Bork! if you hate so much like American English.
You can't pretend them to add ne language version for every quirk in every language in any region of the world.
You can always try Bork! Bork! Bork! if you hate so much like American English.
American Game therefore American Spelling. Deal with it.
Hanging Man
anet has bigger problems to worry about than a missing "u"
Reverend Dr
A relevant study done by ANET Institute of English Language and Dialects shows this will motivate English GW players to be more interested in playing than just leeching or Botting... NOT.
At least you could make me laugh for a change.
A relevant study done by ANET Institute of English Language and Dialects shows this will motivate English GW players to be more interested in playing than just leeching or Botting... NOT.
At least you could make me laugh for a change.
Snow Bunny
The English have a wide history of tolerance of other cultures apart from their own.
Operative 14
Savior is Saviour whether it's spelled with or without a U. It bothers me when I see misspellings, but if I were playing a British game I wouldn't be bothered by the way that the words are spelled there. There are several forums that I go to based in Europe where they don't have the 'American' option when you're picking your language, and I don't really care when I see favour instead of favor.
While it would be a nice change for those that are affected by it, I think that at this point it's a very superfluous fix for a very minimal problem.
While it would be a nice change for those that are affected by it, I think that at this point it's a very superfluous fix for a very minimal problem.
Hailey Anne
Although I am British and I would prefer the words to indeed have a "u" in them, it's something I tolerate (as a programmer I have to thanks to M$ and poorly set-up company's systems for this).
What I would like to see is correct spelling and grammar from players within the game.
"U R SO PR0", "U B GONE B4 I GT BCK?" are examples of that which really get to me. Height of laziness, leet speak and the likes - it's this I would love to see changed.
Cue AreaNet with their new auto-correction system to change "U" to "you", "b4" to "before"....
If only
But this would really push the laziness boat out to deepest waters...
What I would like to see is correct spelling and grammar from players within the game.
"U R SO PR0", "U B GONE B4 I GT BCK?" are examples of that which really get to me. Height of laziness, leet speak and the likes - it's this I would love to see changed.
Cue AreaNet with their new auto-correction system to change "U" to "you", "b4" to "before"....
If only

Ghost Dog
While it would be a nice change for those that are affected by it, I think that at this point it's a very superfluous fix for a very minimal problem.
This game is based in America, the spelling is American how hard can this be.
Regulus X
My language isn't even listed in the menu. Should I be jealous of both american and UK then? Ofc Not. As already been said and to me you're making this big fuss for one letter.
PS: thanks Luminarus for posting the best reason :P
PS: thanks Luminarus for posting the best reason :P
It should be spelled accordingly to where you live.
Those who make their game in accordance with their everyday way of life have no obligation in changing it.
It's like with games that do not come from the United States, they spell things different with things like "u" in them or the "re" instead of "er".
And guess what? People in America still play them, my oh my... I don't see much of a problem if we deal with it just fine.
Those who make their game in accordance with their everyday way of life have no obligation in changing it.
It's like with games that do not come from the United States, they spell things different with things like "u" in them or the "re" instead of "er".
And guess what? People in America still play them, my oh my... I don't see much of a problem if we deal with it just fine.
Leave it as is.
Leave it as is.
awright I'll give this a Butchers Hook, if is gonna be a witter, add Cockney, be right blinder you Cocoa, you Lemons don't Scapa off your trolley bout the U that are Gone for a Burton, they didnt Bunk off. It wouldn't go a treat to change nothin' but I'm a Bengal Lancer on this Bull.
Zahr Dalsk
Don't care. BioWare games get the spelling correct; I'm alright with a lesser dev like Anet not managing it.
/notsigned, more important stuff to be done
Fix Spawning Power now, please.
/notsigned, more important stuff to be done
Fix Spawning Power now, please.
Pan Head
Of all the things in this game that could use a little help and this is what you complain about.
Empress Amarox
Well, being American and all... Seeing the British spellings myself annoys me to no end. I mean, quite honestly I think they're just retarded. Then again, that's just because of the way I was taught.
As such, I'd say were I in your situation, I'd probably feel the same, except reverse; so, adding British English isn't a horrible idea -- just keep it away from me. :P
Chance of this happening though, realistically?
Not high on the totem poll of "things to do" for Anet, me thinks...
As such, I'd say were I in your situation, I'd probably feel the same, except reverse; so, adding British English isn't a horrible idea -- just keep it away from me. :P
Chance of this happening though, realistically?
Not high on the totem poll of "things to do" for Anet, me thinks...
Darth The Xx
Of all the things in this game that could use a little help and this is what you complain about.
This was originally made to be a sort of a joke of a suggestion, I had no idea people would react so ummm, enthusiastically