This is not an idea for GW, but GW2. They are apparently making many drastic changes from GW to GW2, so why can't they make another and follow in the footsteps of other succsessful MMORPGs. Warhammer online, LOTR online, and yes WOW, ALL HAVE MOUNTS.
I personally would love to have mounts, even if they keep the town/instance format, simply to look kick-ass riding on a giant tiger or something.
This is not a discusion about whether or not we SHOULD have mounts but if we DID (in GW2), how would you like to see it done.
I have been looking around other forums and discussions, and the main ideas basically boil down to these different ways of approaching mounts:
- Mounts are an extension of pets, avalible to either one particular class, or all classes. You capture a pet, maybe using a skill or item, and level it, depending on what level/class ect. you are, once the pet reaches a certain level it will either sudennly grow/grow gradually with leveling, and then you can ride it.
- Similar to the one above, but you begin with and egg/cub or whatever the case maybe, and then level. These eggs ect. are either bought, or gotten after quests/set amount of reputation points ect.
- Mounts are fully grown when you aquire them, and you do so by killing a boss, and the capture signet might allow you to obtain a mount, or specail mounted enemies (ie. Necrid Horsemen ect.) and you obtain them then.
These ideas sum up the continous opinions.
As for ideas surrounding the mounts:
- Ranged attackers (rangers, casters ect.) will be able to attack from the mount (if they are combat mounts), but Assasins and Warriors will have to dismount or fight from the side.
- Maybe the mount takes damage before you do, but like pets they ressurect in the next area.
- If your pet dies you take damage/knock down or another effect.
- To summon pet use either /mount or /steed, an item, or a skill
- Flying/land mounts will both be enabled and you can use items/skills ect. To impower your mount or make it use a specail attack (ie. dragon=flame)
- It has been suggested that each class of each race has only 1-5 mounts, and at different levels (ie. speed, damage ect.), and each mount coincides with the class- ie. elementalist might have Dragon (fire), while warrior has giant tiger (brute force)
- Mounts use the riders mount at the same time- ie. if you ar a fire elementalist, and you use a skill, (ie. Phoenix) your mount will use that skill to, maybe in a different form, but will do same damage.
- Maybe you will be able to buy armour and accessories for your mount
Thats it for now, let me know how you think we should get mounts, NOT whenther or not we should have them