You see many, many suggestions in here, some people don't like, some that people do like.
I'm also seeing all signs of people loosing their fun in GuildWars.
So to keep GuildWars, and therefor GuildWars2 aswell, more alive, I think this would be a good suggestion to perform for the Anet develop team

So this is what I was thinking;
A quarterly (every 3 months) wishlist on www.guildwars.com. They just make a list of small wishes they think they can make the GuildWars community happy with. Every 3 month there will be, for example, 4 wishes to choose from. Everyone can loggin on their account and vote for one of those wishes.
Ideas of those wishes can be picked up here, or be thought of themselves.
I alrdy here some of you shouting; This is never going to happen, Anet is only investing time in GuildWars2. And though this last thing might be true, this still could happen if Anet gives it the right time of reset (I think 3 months are fair, enough time to test). Maybe they need to expand the develop team abit, but I think that imput (more people to pay) is smaller then the output (a more satisfied GuildWars community, and therefor more customers who will buy GuildWars2). I havent studied economy, and I guess GuildWars2 is going to be so late, its going to have a new puplic, but I still think this is a fair thing to say.
So I hope and pray, Anet reads this, and agrees with me. It might help if you go scream and shout, we want this! we love this! and if we dont get this, we will burn the Anet office down!