EoTN Runner/Helper


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2008

Doomlore Shrine

Wolves of the Ancients



I am seeking runs for the following Hard Mode Dungeons and Missions in EoTN.
Rragar's Menagerie Frostmaw's Burrows Vloxen Excavations * Slavers' Exile * Against the Charr Warband of Brothers Curse of the Nornbear
  • A Gate Too Far Blood Washes Blood Finding the Bloodstone Destruction's Depths * I know of one other person also seeking this run, if you contact me for these runs, the other person will go as well and pay for himself

    I am also seeking assistance with almost all the EoTN dungeons in normal mode.

    I could also use some assistance Vanquishing in all Campaigns.

    Please send a PM with your IGN and the cost for any runs/Assistance you are able to offer, or contact me ingame @ Zaora Amur
  • Bof


    Frost Gate Guardian

    Join Date: Apr 2009



    You should look in Player Services. A lot of people offer HM services. Most of them are professional and fun to work with.


    Pre-Searing Cadet

    Join Date: Aug 2008

    Doomlore Shrine

    Wolves of the Ancients


    I plan to, I just figured a post here could not hurt any.