Bezzr Wingstorm changed into a White Tiger?
Lol - an old, old bug, but I've never seen it get a boss before
Shame you can't charm him like that...
(Interesting how target calling brings up the right name - I'm sure it doesn't when the Enchanteds in the Crystal Desert get lizarded)
Shame you can't charm him like that...
(Interesting how target calling brings up the right name - I'm sure it doesn't when the Enchanteds in the Crystal Desert get lizarded)
same old bug but never seen on a boss before myself....hmmm i guess with the sudden lage activity of that zone with like 6 bosses there it was bound to happen.
lol. I've seen that in the desert in Proph - the skeletons as dune lizards, but that's a new one. :P
s t e e
I had something like this when I summoned my fire imp. His name was warthog.
Shadow of Cantha
Seen this with at least 3 of the bosses in that area. When I called target the right name showed in the message pane, however when I called the skill the boss was using it said white tiger is using barrage, etc. I thought it was weird, but didn't think to screen cap it .... oh well maybe next time.
I spotted an Am Fah called "Reef Lurker"
Eragon Zarroc
i've seen it on both the rit bosses in that same zone, lol
I'd tame that tiger anyday. ROFL
ow wow, i expected an white tiger called bezzr but this is fun to
I've seen this bug affect bosses as well, and here's a SS showing one of the less familiar PvE skills in the game, the elusive Ebon Vanguard Tiger Support (notice superb camouflage):