Spider pets?
Robbeh The Mad
So I decided to go nec/ranger on my normally nec/monk character and figured a blackwidow pet would be a good choice for a necro in black and white necrotic armor so I went to TOA to find me a runner that would take me to UW so I can find and charm a widow. After about 2 hours of waiting and asking for a runner I got zero, which was odd to me because I remember that not to long ago this was pretty good money and it was fairly easy to find someone that speicalized in spider runs. Why the change is this not in vouge anymore or is there a better more easily accessable pleace to find a charmable widow?
Speed runs are all that seem to be popular in UW and FOW.
But keep asking. Or make a post in the services section here on Guru.
I was in the vale last night with a poor little black widow wondering around with no master.
But keep asking. Or make a post in the services section here on Guru.
I was in the vale last night with a poor little black widow wondering around with no master.
the spider used as a tamable pet is only available from uw. i think the problem is it takes time to go farm a spider and the teams that do it are more interested in doing the UWSC (i think i got it right) run than helping people with spider farming. unfortunately my guildie who does the runs is afk and i am not sure when he might return.
good luck on the pet. oh and if you can't get a run and have factions take ur necro and get the black moa it looks good with necros too. Master Apaclypes, my necro has one and bird is named Emo Big Bird.
good luck on the pet. oh and if you can't get a run and have factions take ur necro and get the black moa it looks good with necros too. Master Apaclypes, my necro has one and bird is named Emo Big Bird.
Black Metal
Pretty much everyone who wanted a black widow has gotten theirs, so there is hardly any demand any more. It's really easy to get one -- just 2 people, 6 heroes, and get over to the village. No need for a run when fighting to there takes just about as long.
my bet is there will be a lot more runners for the pet after the update.
Black Metal
Good point, and agreed Rup. Or at least there will be some demand for runners. Not sure of the sins can be bothered to give up the uwsc
Robbeh The Mad
good luck on the pet. oh and if you can't get a run and have factions take ur necro and get the black moa it looks good with necros too. Master Apaclypes, my necro has one and bird is named Emo Big Bird.
I mean if I wanted to go with that look I would just make a female necro and name her Lillith (insert gothy/evil last name here) like the million others before me.
You can always name your ranger Legolas and charm the spider.
Oh, wait... NVM
Oh, wait... NVM
Just pay the 15k.
Imo. Lol. :]
Its fairly easy to just hero it (ask someone borrow 3 heroes if 4 man will not cut it for you) and get to village on your own. It's a bit faster than getting run too.
Hey, I am - by my own admission - a pretty crap GW player, but even I managed to cap a spider with no problems. Just my ranger and the usual three necros - getting to the village is really not hard.
If you do decide on a Black Moa, bear in mind that it's Elder - no options at all with evolution. The Widow is a random evolution - might take you a few tries to get a Dire one if that is what you require.
If you do decide on a Black Moa, bear in mind that it's Elder - no options at all with evolution. The Widow is a random evolution - might take you a few tries to get a Dire one if that is what you require.
So I decided to go nec/ranger on my normally nec/monk character and figured a blackwidow pet would be a good choice for a necro in black and white necrotic armor so I went to TOA to find me a runner that would take me to UW so I can find and charm a widow. After about 2 hours of waiting and asking for a runner I got zero, which was odd to me because I remember that not to long ago this was pretty good money and it was fairly easy to find someone that speicalized in spider runs. Why the change is this not in vouge anymore or is there a better more easily accessable pleace to find a charmable widow?
It was so easy, I just cant believe people paid a few plats for this.
I used to do this with a team of 4... it has been awhile, but i am sure i usually had 1 trapper, 1 spiritspammer (rt), 1 conditions/interupter ranger and 1 healing monk.
This way it takes apx 45-60 mins (regen, flag heroes, set traps,spirits, lure, etc), doing some quests before spider appears, but i still think it was worth that time. I love my spider collection :P
This way it takes apx 45-60 mins (regen, flag heroes, set traps,spirits, lure, etc), doing some quests before spider appears, but i still think it was worth that time. I love my spider collection :P
Fairly easy, just get a friend and heros and do the the quests needed for the spider to appear. My friend and I did that several times so I could cap my spiders
I have run with many different pets in my time and I have to say that when you and your 3 heroes all have pets such as the rainbow phoenix and they have imperial phoenixes, it is very intimidating. Funny enough, the scariest pets to have come at you are the LvL 20 Flamingos. They are twice as tall as humans and their wingspan is huge. For sheer panic factor, 4 Flamingos is very effective. Plus it blocks your enemies view of you. Spiders are creepy for sure, but not as intimidating as something twice your size.
Shemsu Anpw
I hope that pet farmers come back after update. I'll need that spider for my Menagerie. :-) I don't mind working for things but trying to find a group to do UW right now is a pain everyone is doing UWSC. I used to enjoy doing UW or FoW with my paragon with groups.
From what I can tell, the Menagerie will allow you to evolve the other types of Black Moa - obtain one, register it with the Menagerie, get rid of it, and charm the Rank 1 version and evolve it as desired. Then you could register the fully evolved version.
if ur still looking for sum1 just PM me ill help u... im bored ^^