Post your IGN here and I will contact you.
You must know what you are doing extremely well.
To go from Survivor -> Legendary Survivor it takes about 1-2 hours.
You keep all drops.
I will also be paying half at Indomitable Survivor (2) and rest at (3).
NEED KEG FARMER for Legendary Survivor (3) Paying 100K
Brb GW
i can do this for you on the weekend
Killah K
I can do it for you this afternoon/evening or tomorrow morning.
IGN Killah kayla
IGN Killah kayla
I can do it, pm me on Hey There Nub.
Oblivion (ERoD)
Oblivions Blades
Ill do it for 90k
Ill do it for 90k
if your sin or ele you can do it yourself lol, if not 90K for me to
<---- IGN
<---- IGN