Vanquish Bonus
Been musing this for a little while, and the Vanquish bonuses are fairly good now. However I think that one small change would be beneficial.
When you've finished the VQ, that all the chests in the zone reset themselves, and are refilled with new contents, so they can be re-opened by the vanquishers again (after running to them of course).
Heck, I'd even take an XP hit (well with 600+ skill points what's another 5K XP?) on the VQ reward for this.
When you've finished the VQ, that all the chests in the zone reset themselves, and are refilled with new contents, so they can be re-opened by the vanquishers again (after running to them of course).
Heck, I'd even take an XP hit (well with 600+ skill points what's another 5K XP?) on the VQ reward for this.
Archress Shayleigh
Could you be more clear? I didn't understand the purpose of the post. What's your idea?
You might want to try reading everything before you hurry up and post.
When you've finished the VQ, that all the chests in the zone reset themselves, and are refilled with new contents, so they can be re-opened by the vanquishers again (after running to them of course). |
This kind of bonus woudnt matter because chests dont drop good items anymore or even ones wourth something
Bigger money bonus would be better
Offtopic: It isnt so hard to understand 1post
Bigger money bonus would be better
Offtopic: It isnt so hard to understand 1post
Would be nice for Treausre Hunter title, but I see no other reason to implement this. Just to make another title easier? Just to give people more money making options?
This kind of bonus woudnt matter because chests dont drop good items anymore or even ones wourth something
1 point for each chest opened (multiple players opening a chest also counts multiple times ==> people will be more encouraged to go with other human players than with H/H)
I'd rather go vanquish another area than run around looking for the chest I found already.
If you want a 'last hit' bonus, why not make the very last non-boss monster always drop a rare for every party member?
If you want a 'last hit' bonus, why not make the very last non-boss monster always drop a rare for every party member?
I'd rather go vanquish another area than run around looking for the chest I found already.
If you want a 'last hit' bonus, why not make the very last non-boss monster always drop a rare for every party member? |
Or why not reset every chest and stick them infront of your last postion XD j/k
Yes I did think about having all the chests tele to you, but when I vanquish I usually remember where the chests were in the zone. The general idea was that with 110+ zones counting for Legendary VQ'r, and each zone having on average 4 to 5 chests, you'd open 440 - 550 chests per character just vanquishing. Add in a chest reset bonus for vanquishing the areas, and this becomes a much more meaningful total.
Those with multiple characters, could then re-vanquish on their other toons, and obtain more Treasure Hunter points, with out the need for mind numbingly boring chest run's in Fronis, Boreal Station, Witmans Folly et al.
So in essence just by playing the game normally accross a number of toons, you almost achieve GrandMaster Treasure Hunter.
Wisdom is not the problem title, heck I could keg all month long if I needed to, it's finding chests that's the hard part. If you've VQ'd the area, you know where the chests were already.
Those with multiple characters, could then re-vanquish on their other toons, and obtain more Treasure Hunter points, with out the need for mind numbingly boring chest run's in Fronis, Boreal Station, Witmans Folly et al.
So in essence just by playing the game normally accross a number of toons, you almost achieve GrandMaster Treasure Hunter.
Wisdom is not the problem title, heck I could keg all month long if I needed to, it's finding chests that's the hard part. If you've VQ'd the area, you know where the chests were already.
alluring athena
Same here.
Or why not reset every chest and stick them in front of your last postion XD j/k |
OMG this thread is getting silly.
They have had vanquish bonus weekends.
Those were very enticing
Rather than this complicated scheme, why not just have an end-chest for every area just like in dungeons/elite areas?
Or, you know, they could just give us more rep/money
Or, you know, they could just give us more rep/money

Eragon Zarroc
It would be nice and it would be cool but it isn't something that is needed. It would just make the title easier, and that isn't something that is needed in the game right now.
There was a thread about vanq things that could be added. One that i like was a free big chest like when completing dungeons spawns. That would be ok. But reset regular chests idk seems odd.
spirit of defeat
/not signed
I don't see a purpose :S
I don't see a purpose :S
Icy The Mage
/notsigned; no purpose at all and doesn't make sense to go with the vanquisher title.
Let's cut through the mess and just give Max treasure and wisdom to legendary vanquishers.
wait why not just give us the vanquish points and chest number when we think of maybe doing an area cuts out a lot of hassle that way... sorry unsigned its fine the way it is
Ares I God Of War I
unsigned The time it takes to vanquish and than find the chest again is to long. And not very worth the time. Just give a special item with the last enemy you kill or a reward chest.
There is already a thread suggesting, for example, a lockpick.
I think it would be cooler to make a "Hidden Treasure" sprout from the ground like the ones activated with Light of Deldrimor.
Talk to it and you get an item, something like a Tome, a scroll, a rare material, etc...
Not too much, but something nice to get.
I think it would be cooler to make a "Hidden Treasure" sprout from the ground like the ones activated with Light of Deldrimor.
Talk to it and you get an item, something like a Tome, a scroll, a rare material, etc...
Not too much, but something nice to get.