If a kurzick(echovald forrest) area is controlled by the luxons...
Hugh Manatee
...and I vanquish it, will I get luxon or kurzick faction when I beat it(and vice versa)? I know you get the luxon faction from the shrine bounty if the area is under the luxon border, but I don't know about the faction per kill bonus you get now when you beat the zone.
Shemsu Anpw
As I recall form when I VQed Factions the side in control of that area determins the VQ faction bonus. Meaning Luxon side gets Luxons even if Kurzick have won the AB battles and pushed them back. I rememebr being in Luxon area with a Kurzick Blessing and getting Luxon points for VQ, unless it was some sort of fluke.
You are correct Shemsu Anpw.
Completing a Vanquish in Jade Sea territory yields a Luxon Faction Bonus.
Completing a Vanquish in Echovald Forest territory yields a Kurzick Faction Bonus.
Indifferent of what Faction is in control of the Region.
Completing a Vanquish in Jade Sea territory yields a Luxon Faction Bonus.
Completing a Vanquish in Echovald Forest territory yields a Kurzick Faction Bonus.
Indifferent of what Faction is in control of the Region.
The only thing that effects your faction diffrently is which priest you get your blessing from. If kurzick territory is under luxon control the priest will be luxon so if you take the blessing you'll earn luxon points per kill but if you vanquish you'll get kurzick points for the vanquish aspect earning you alittle of both. If your after kurzick faction in an area that the luxon control you may still be able to leave from certian town to get a kurzick priest to still give you a blessing like eternal grove since to res hrine will still be kurzick because the town can't be taken over.
The only thing that effects your faction diffrently is which priest you get your blessing from. If kurzick territory is under luxon control the priest will be luxon so if you take the blessing you'll earn luxon points per kill but if you vanquish you'll get kurzick points for the vanquish aspect earning you alittle of both. If your after kurzick faction in an area that the luxon control you may still be able to leave from certian town to get a kurzick priest to still give you a blessing like eternal grove since to res hrine will still be kurzick because the town can't be taken over.
Archress Shayleigh
VQ reward faction: always same as the area.
Bounty: Depends what faction controls the area.
Bounty: Depends what faction controls the area.
Exactly. As such, its kinda counter productive to vanquish an area not controlled by the "correct" side, since otherwise you'll only get to spend half the faction (and have to waste the other sides faction).
Yep, it's pretty stupid that it works that way I guess.
Jason, I also remember when it worked like you describe (get faction for whichever side's priest you took a blessing from.) I think they're saying that since a big update a while ago, now you also get faction for the general area you're in, regardless of which side's priest blessed you.
The side you vanquish on upon completion earns you that faction bonus. But depending upon the priest you get a blessing from adds more faction per kill while vanquishing.
Basically if you vanquish kurzick area under luxon control you can earn say 10k kurzick faction for the vanquish. But say you can earn additional 4k faction from the priest blessing. What that 4k faction extra will be depends on the priest. maybe u misunderstood.