Uhm ....small equipment pack ? huh?
Small equipment pack - supposedly will hold 5 items for each character - both armor and weapons customised for this character - - well i just paid 2500 gp to the merchant - I got an icon in my pack, but when I clicked on it all it did was disapear - where did it go? did I just loose 2500 gp? a little help please??
you cant see it using F9. but its there if you press I (inventory).
Ty Bluefeather
yes indeed it is ther if I press "I"
Also I was allowed to buy anonter small eqipment pack with the same character but when i clicked on it nothing happened - so it seems you only can add one to each character
yes indeed it is ther if I press "I"
Also I was allowed to buy anonter small eqipment pack with the same character but when i clicked on it nothing happened - so it seems you only can add one to each character
Hey, I was under the impression that we got the equipment pack for free...silly me! Over 2k is a bit ridiculous in my opinion...also I thought we'd get free one pane in the storage chest and then have to buy more if we wanted. Disappointing update for me.
2.5k is overpriced 
10-slot bags only cost 600g (100g for bag and 500g for rune of holding).
so, i guess it is really overpriced
10-slot bags only cost 600g (100g for bag and 500g for rune of holding).
so, i guess it is really overpriced
Hey, I was under the impression that we got the equipment pack for free...silly me! Over 2k is a bit ridiculous in my opinion...also I thought we'd get free one pane in the storage chest and then have to buy more if we wanted. Disappointing update for me.
Good luck getting the NCSoft site to connect, though. I've been trying for a half hour with no luck.
Feathermoore Rep
yea the site for the extra pane totally doesn't connect right now. probably because everyone and his brother and sister are trying to load the page right now...
got mine XP
Scythe O F Glory
2.5k overpriced...pshhhhh
If anything, we need MORE gold sinks in this game. Don't complain about 2.5k being too much for you.
If anything, we need MORE gold sinks in this game. Don't complain about 2.5k being too much for you.
not every one has 2.5 k even though its like nothing. to some of you its like spending a dime, where to alot of people its spending all they have, personally i have over 200k so it will be like spending a dime
Teutonic Paladin
If 2.5k is spending all they have, they probably don't have enough equipment to need the damned bag.
I pwnd U
What I wanna know is where are the ones that are other various sizes?
The bigger packs are z-coin only I think. Grind the zaishen missions like 100 times for ONE 20 slot bag.
What I wanna know is where are the ones that are other various sizes?
I really like the content that A.Net added into the game in this update, the problem: I really HATE how it was implimented. WAY too much grind or real money involved in getting it.
Yeah if you want the 10-20 slot bags you'll have to grind 7500 copper z-coins for ONE bag (yeah, that's more grind than I would like.) Hopefully there'll be more gold reward quests that'll let us get the 20 slot bags easier but atm even 2.5k for one bag is pretty stupid.
Obrien Xp
The really big ones are really expensive (how many times to kill kanaxai

I'm hoping for there being silver and gold coin missions...like Gate of Madness HM.
Honestly I'd say Urgoz and Kanaxai are at least silver, Duncan the Black is a gold, Fendi Nin would be silver given the run that can be done, but gold for average players in groups.
Etc etc etc.
Honestly I'd say Urgoz and Kanaxai are at least silver, Duncan the Black is a gold, Fendi Nin would be silver given the run that can be done, but gold for average players in groups.
Etc etc etc.
ZCoins won't be hard to come by if you aren't terrible. The GvG reward with all the bonuses is 350 copper coins. One bonus is winning an AT match, which is easy as hell during Euro times, and the other is winning 3 matches, which is so easy it's silly.
So PvP'ers have an easier time getting PvE storage rewards. Goodness. Who ever thought that would ever make sense.
My only complaint with the 2.5K is that the GuildWars site said "for a nominal fee of gold at various merchants across all campaigns". Nominal is usually defined as slight, or very small compared to usual expectations. A couple hundred gold would have been fine.
2.5k is cheap, I'd pay much more for things like this. I value 1 inventory slot at around ~5k gold - and I'd pay that if it was possible to buy slots for gold (100k per pane).
in game money aint a problem for me i dont know why people think 2.5k is expensive, i would pay 100 plat or 1000 plat if it was possible, anything but real money
people who think 2.5k is expensive it can be made in 2 runs of raptor farm which is like 3 minutes
people who think 2.5k is expensive it can be made in 2 runs of raptor farm which is like 3 minutes
Yeah the zcoin costs for the bags are crazy, but the gold ammount for the small bag are acceptable.
10, 15, and 20-slot bags are available in exchange for Zaishen Coins at a Zaishen Rewards NPC in Great Temple of Balthazar. |
Wow it is going to take another lifetime to get those 20 slot bags
is there not a faster way?

Yeah, I'll say, the only somewhat reasonable to get is the light equipment pack (10 slot) which require 1 Zaishen gold coin (500 Z-copper coin). Obviously either it will takes an awful amount of time to get 20 equipment pack or someone with no life which probably get one in next 2-3 days.
Yeah, I'll say, the only somewhat reasonable to get is the light equipment pack (10 slot) which require 1 Zaishen gold coin (500 Z-copper coin).
Why essentially "waste" 1 gold going on pack that you are gonna trade in for 15/20 slot pack in future (if you have use for equipment pack, of course). Ditto with 5 gold coins for 15 slot bag.
I wonder, are bags tradeable between accounts? It should take about month for them to appear on market...
Bill Clinton
I wonder, are bags tradeable between accounts? It should take about month for them to appear on market...
This is a good point.
Honeslty, I hope they are tradeable. Doing this it opens up more options for players who want the 20 slot bag and also opens up options for people who want to make a lot of money.
Fril Estelin
Well, possibly much less. 150 days for one char, but you can move zoins between chars, max 35 chars, so 5 days?
And besides, Procuring 30+ characters that are HM ready and able to port to any mission/outpost is quite big task.
50ish coins per HM Mission run once per 24 hours = 150 days of running a HM mission every day to get a single 20 slot bag......yeah |
The Meth
Considering that its pure storage just for weapons and armor, 5 is more then enough for most characters. You probably wont have multiple sets of armor on the character you created just yesterday or anything. The best equipment packs are also buyable from other players.
ugh, now I have to grind for days on end to get the extra storage? I just finished 6 months of uber grind getting my Vanquisher title. I am so done with grind.
Well, possibly much less. 150 days for one char, but you can move zoins between chars, max 35 chars, so 5 days?
10 slot bag = 1 gold = 500 copper = 10 days (1.5 weeks roughly)
15 slot bag = 5 gold = 2,500 copper = 50 days (1.75 months roughly)
20 slot bag = 15 gold = 7,500 copper = 150 days (5 months roughly)
the above is assuming 50ish copper per day for 1 mission in HM (20 in NM and +50 bonus in HM was todays)
1 hour per mission (rough again as some will do it faster, others will do it slower). Perhaps you could get 4 missions done a night if you did nothing else netting you 200 coins. That would cut down the time to get one bag by 4 of course.
200 coins a day @ 4 hours of "Farming Missions" as fast as you can:
10 slot bag = 2.5 days
15 slot bag = 12.5 days (2 weeks roughly)
20 slot bag = 37.5 days (1 month roughly)
For a casual player that means doing nothing else for over a month but spend 4 hours every day farming missions for coins....including your weekends. Miss a night due to work/school/whatever? Add those days onto your total. Can only play on weekends? Good luck in getting a 20 slot before 2010 hehehe.
edited for a bit more clarity
There's also the bounty quests, actually, and those who PvP will also probably do the PvP challenge. You're thinking in terms of slowest possible rate, and you're not factoring in the fact that the zoins are supposed to be tradable within your account. It will still be a grind, yes, but it's not going to be nearly as long as you think for some people. =\ Even if you don't like one bounty, there'll be a new one the next day.
They're an uncounted factor till we see what they are over a week as a very small sample rate.
Considering that its pure storage just for weapons and armor, 5 is more then enough for most characters. You probably wont have multiple sets of armor on the character you created just yesterday or anything. The best equipment packs are also buyable from other players.