Nicholas the Traveler - Location Discussion (Updated Mondays)
last week i bought myself about 90 presents (really) and the best i got was a icy dragon sword and a keg of hunters ale.
Just junk for me, but I do have to say that warriors can farm the hydras easier then monks now.
Defy Pain + Dolyak Signet and you take 0 dmg from attacks, 11-15 dmg from spells. A mending wammo could farm them with little effort and just Sever Artery + Gash.... |

More fireworks! >
Seriously, Nicholas hates me. I don't want fireworks, nor sweets neither alcohol from those gifts.
I can easily get those already.

Seriously, Nicholas hates me. I don't want fireworks, nor sweets neither alcohol from those gifts.
I can easily get those already.
Kerwyn Nasilan
I havent got anything besides a moss spider egg yet. But its fun and I am not expecting to much money off them. When I do get a very high pice item it will be a nice suprise.
myst tonics, disco balls, a keg and rest random party stuff.
You make it sound like some old wives tale.
There is nothing out in Skyward BUT hydras, except for a couple of small groups off to the side. (One group of stormkin, one of enchanted, and some groups of centaurs down in the oasis area.) All those groups are easy to avoid, being outside the main farming path, so all you need to do is go around the circle killing hydras. No devourers, no scarabs, no popups of any kind.

Eh, crappy stuff although the honeycombs and red rock candy are useful--I've been using them in speed clears and FoW HM--I could pass on the sparklers and champagne poppers.
I'd love some more booze, maybe a keg (tired of buying them) and a disco ball. My Holy Grail is the mini Yakington.
I'd love some more booze, maybe a keg (tired of buying them) and a disco ball. My Holy Grail is the mini Yakington.
rangers can solo the hydras too, very quickly...R/N mob toucher..just be sure to have trolll up and stormchaser off while rounding them up otherwise they'll give up chase. Can do 2-3 mobs at a time, depending upon their proximity to each other.
I tackled a few hyrdas on my lonesome with my Ranger and did pretty good. I took BHA along with some other condition spells and pain inverter. Seemed to work well enough.
My ranger used
[Marksman's wager][EBSoH][By ural's hammer][Penetrating attack][Sundering attack][Troll unguent][Dwarven stability][Dryder's defences]
I could take on three on my own, but any more would kill me.
In normal mode, of course.
[Marksman's wager][EBSoH][By ural's hammer][Penetrating attack][Sundering attack][Troll unguent][Dwarven stability][Dryder's defences]
I could take on three on my own, but any more would kill me.
In normal mode, of course.
Aldawg Thanes
On my ranger I ran a 55 ranger, it was pretty easy even in hm, as I am at school I cannot post the build but it was really only a slightly modified 55 monk build
VQed Skyward Reach and got 2 Claws!
If this kind of luck continues - this might just be the first week ever that I don't need to resort to buying the stuff he wants!
VQed Skyward Reach and got 2 Claws!
If this kind of luck continues - this might just be the first week ever that I don't need to resort to buying the stuff he wants!
VQed Skyward Reach and got 2 Claws! If this kind of luck continues - this might just be the first week ever that I don't need to resort to buying the stuff he wants! |
Anyway, this week's a nice change from farming in the FoW, which was okay but isn't my favorite thing in Guild Wars. Over 2 accounts I got
10 mysterious summon
10 mysterious tonic
1 keg
5 crates of fireworks
10 poppers
10 sparklers
10 regular ales
5 jars of honey
I sold off the keg for a nice little sum, and I guess the rest will go toward titles. :P Shame about the honey and fireworks though.

As I mentioned on GWO, my results were less than stellar. Consumables only.
But I did enjoy farming the hydra again, and will probably do more hydra farming this evening for fun and profit. So no complaints here.
But I did enjoy farming the hydra again, and will probably do more hydra farming this evening for fun and profit. So no complaints here.
Black Metal
I spent a whole day playing my secondary account from LA to where Nicholas is now (all quests, masters on all missions), from morning to night. In the end, all presents were junk.
I'm not complaining, I enjoyed playing through old content (sorta), just was sort of a letdown in the end. I haven't used a single consumable/tonic/summoning stone.....yet......
I'm not complaining, I enjoyed playing through old content (sorta), just was sort of a letdown in the end. I haven't used a single consumable/tonic/summoning stone.....yet......
it took me almost an hour and 140+ HM Hydras to get those damn claws
and after all, all i got were summoning stones lol
and after all, all i got were summoning stones lol
got my 10 gifts, first one opened was a VDS, second was a brown rabbit. All the rest were party points and summoning stones. I have no complaints
Hyper Cutter
I got some consumables and a VDS (finally! something not a consumable!)...
The forth fly
what a fun farm that was :/ took 1 hour to farm the 10 claws (where have all the hydras gone) then got all poop best thing a keg of ale

I'd kill for a keg of ale. That's more interesting than all the consumables I've been getting for 7 weeks running.
I've now opened a total of 120 Gifts over all 4 accounts and not had anything good so far
All consumables or summoning stones.

Aussie Boy
This was fun again doing old stuff thanks Anet. 
same as usual stones tonics and red candies
and as per the last times got another keg of ale that make 5 or 6 so far from nic
Weird I always seam to get one of these does anyone else see a pattern and get the same stuff on same char?
Also anyone know what the going price of the Kegs are? thanks

same as usual stones tonics and red candies
and as per the last times got another keg of ale that make 5 or 6 so far from nic
Weird I always seam to get one of these does anyone else see a pattern and get the same stuff on same char?
Also anyone know what the going price of the Kegs are? thanks
He changes in a few hours, so... Anyone care to venture a guess as to where he'll be and what the item will be this time?
If he's in Tyria again, I'm thinking ring of fire or southern shiverpeaks. If it's Cantha, probably luxon side with something like black pearls or moon shells.
I have no idea for Elona or EotN. xD
If he's in Tyria again, I'm thinking ring of fire or southern shiverpeaks. If it's Cantha, probably luxon side with something like black pearls or moon shells.
I have no idea for Elona or EotN. xD
Im betting it will be a canthan drop, we have yet to have one.
I sure hope it is.
I sure hope it is.
So do I. He was in Cantha once, but it was cross-campaign madness.
Watch it be putrid cysts or something. :E
Watch it be putrid cysts or something. :E
I will rather wait and see, but, if I had to say...
He should be in NF somewhere, maybe there in the Desolation... asking for some Dredge Manifesto's.
Hopefully he is in Cantha (Jade Sea) though , asking for Warden Horns.
He should be in NF somewhere, maybe there in the Desolation... asking for some Dredge Manifesto's.
Hopefully he is in Cantha (Jade Sea) though , asking for Warden Horns.
Nicholas mentioned in previous text that he won't go anywhere Yakkington can't go. I highly doubt Yakkington will hop into a wurm, so we might be able to rule that out, along with UW, FoW and such.
He can still be in the Desolation. It's not insta-kill when you go there...
Some would have argued the same thing in saying that he could not activate / use a teleporter, yet check where he was this week. This is no normal Yak, buddy.
So, nothing is impossible with the right storyline and background.
Some would have argued the same thing in saying that he could not activate / use a teleporter, yet check where he was this week. This is no normal Yak, buddy.
So, nothing is impossible with the right storyline and background.
Nay of the Ether
if it wasn't so much fun to redo some of the old areas and what not I would give up on this. Out of my 5 accounts I have gotten absolutely crap for gifts since the start of all of this. I think Anet has it out for me o.0 I'm seriously considering just giving up on gifts and farming the items for people and selling them for ridiculously low prices just to piss those high sellers off

Splinter Slinger
Hasnt moved yet
My spidey sense says he will be in Cantha this time, as for the items, no clue, I like the concept of Dredge Manifestos, or even Enslavement Stones.
Out of 7 accounts so far, the best drop I have gotten is the IDS, I have gotten about 7 kegs, which is helpful for drunkard
Out of 7 accounts so far, the best drop I have gotten is the IDS, I have gotten about 7 kegs, which is helpful for drunkard
shadows of hob
Best drop so far for me were 5 red rocks.
My 'spider sense' tells me he is in Rhea's Crater and collecting Warden Horns. The story he is tellling will be about some random luxon guy that he spoke with that was collecting those horns and now he has a new hobby or something.
My 'spider sense' tells me he is in Rhea's Crater and collecting Warden Horns. The story he is tellling will be about some random luxon guy that he spoke with that was collecting those horns and now he has a new hobby or something.
Angel Kiss
I can confirm that it is 14:35 UTC and Nicholas is still in the same location as last week. I just ran to him quickly to check ^.^
warden horns....holy jeez..tell me it's not true!! I've been doing butt-loads of DTSC and I just run past those things when they drop, which is like 1/20 kills! Oo
If it's gonna be a forest item please let it be keen oni claws, something I've actually been holding onto as a just-in-case
If it's gonna be a forest item please let it be keen oni claws, something I've actually been holding onto as a just-in-case