I knew there'd be something in this update that'll tackle Speed Clearing, but I didn't think it would be this subtle.
I don't know if this is just me, but I've noticed that the charged spawns in the Twin Serpent Mountains are slightly more erratic; they tend to move off from their initial location (let's call it spot A), go to their stopping spot (B) and then sometimes go back to A again in order to throw off any unsuspecting runners to the plains.
For example, if you're familiar with UWSC, the patrol that comes down towards where the Mountains Perma has to hold his aggro goes back up, and then back down again, which normally throws off the Pits Perma and thwarts an SC.
... or am I just jumping to conclusions and being an idiot?
Anyone else notice the Charged Blackness patrols in UW?
Siirius Black
Nope, you are right. Patrols are moving back and forth now.
The good thing is that you can outrun them.
The good thing is that you can outrun them.
Yeah you can run faster than them still luckily
i just hope they don't get a perma speed boost or anything crazy like a lazer gun!
I would be THRILLED by anything that prevented SC and gave people a reason to actually play thru those areas again.............
"Don't hate the playa, hate the game "
Woo, this will make the ragers go away -_-"
Woo, this will make the ragers go away -_-"
Seems like its a bug in either their normal behavior, or maybe (and more likely) in the new AI that they were hoping would slow down or deter SC. As it stands now there's not much difference in the run, then again maybe it'll make a big difference once the skill balance update kicks in.