I tried searching for this but didn't find anything. Someone was saying that the fact you can't put Z coins in storage is due to a bug. I'm just wondering because I'm sick of having to try to do PvP quests with my PvE ranger just to get more coins... I'd rather play a class like a Necro for PvP.
Will they be fixing this or is it working as intended?
Will we be able to transfer Zaishen coins?
LoKi Foxfire
It's a bug. They're working on it.
only between ur characters
Fril Estelin
From Linsey's wiki talkpage:
Joe has spent hours tracing back through each step in code and he thinks he knows what is going on. It's too late for this fix to get in before the weekend. We really don't want to do a build and then leave for two days. So it'll likely be Monday that we run a build with fixes for any of the issues from yesterday's build. - Image:User Linsey Murdock sig.jpgLinsey talk 23:11, 24 April 2009 (UTC) |
I am curious if the following is working as intended.
1. Create PvP character and accept PvP Z quest(Zest!).
2. Complete PvP Z quest, and exchange Z coins(Zoins!) for reward(s).
3. Deposit reward(s) in storage and delete character.
4. Go back to 1.
5. Profit!
1. Create PvP character and accept PvP Z quest(Zest!).
2. Complete PvP Z quest, and exchange Z coins(Zoins!) for reward(s).
3. Deposit reward(s) in storage and delete character.
4. Go back to 1.
5. Profit!
LoKi Foxfire
Yea, that's what I was thinking. They'll probably block you from doing that somehow (or maybe not? )