After like 3-4 years of GW with no problems at all, I've been getting lag spikes up to 20k the past 1-2 weeks. When I run the network diag it hangs for a very long time on the Discovering External Address part.
When I test on, it shows that I have a 5 Mbps connection with good ping. I even ran the test exactly when GW lag spikes were happening and the test was still normal.
I tried disabling my router's firewall but no change. My only firewall is the one that's in Vista and it gives permission for GW.
I'm on a home wireless network. I haven't changed anything at all... The problem just came about on its own...
Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance!!
================================================== ============================
= Discovering external address
================================================== ============================
Current IP Address:
Completed in 361.47 seconds
Plz Help - g spikes and hang during diagnostic