Question cencering buying an account and CD apart


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2009

Hey there

I've got great problem, I bought Guild Wars on auction (all 4 parts) and I've just got them home. But there is problem, there is not any cd-keys inside, this guys is not answering my calls, and I can't simply play the game. He just cheated me.

Does ArenaNet Inc. allows to sell CDs without accounts? What can I do now? He sold it very cheap so going to police doesn't make seanse...

Can I report it somehow to game producer and retrice account? Send pictures of all 4 boxes to them would help me out?

Please advise.

Best regards


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2008


All you can do is to ask for a refund from your auction website depending of its anti-scamming policy.

Reasons below.
Concerning accounts, selling them is against EULA and offer garantee of getting banned for new owner. (or account theft back..) Moreover accounts are getting less and less transferable, getting linked to a master account refering to you IRL identity.
Concerning CD keys, they can only be used once, and since u don't have them NCSoft has no way to identy your products.

Commander Ryker

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If I remember the EULA, games are non-transferable, so if someone's selling their copy of the game on, then it's technically against ArenaNet's rules. You don't, therefore, have much of a basis for support if such a transaction goes wrong, as it has in this case.

There'd be a problem tracing the original game back based on the box, since it's the account codes that Support for tracing accounts, most likelty because you don't need anything else but an account code.

Basically your only recourse is to see if the seller has breached the Auction site terms. If they've been careful in their wording when posting the listing, however (ie talking about selling the boxes, not mentioning the account cards, not referring to this being a playable or seled version) then you're loikely going to fall short there also