The Path to Revelations



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2008


Order of the Azurelight[OA]


Hi im not sure if this is the right place as im not paying. I am seeking a partner to farm this quest for Norn rep, ive heard you can get 5k-7k (+whatever we get for slaying 250 prior to the bosses) in HM by repeatedly killing these bosses.
We will do this buy slaying around 200-250 things prior to attacking the boss (Which is easy with 2x discord way and going after all the bison things first)
It took me 50 minutes to slay 250 things in HM with 1 x discord, so with 2x discordway we should be even faster.

After slaying 250 things we'l then head on over to the bosses, killing them all and then going back to olfstead to go again.

So if you have the quest + hard mode and feel like maxing your norn could you PM me in game.

i Enchanted Me i

Im from the UK (GMT) so if your from another country with a different timezone please reply and il try and come online for when it's best for you.
