Looking for Website
Helix Dreadlock
Hello, I am currently looking to purchase a website. We need the following: A forums for all users. A coloring effect change-able to show wich are officers, members, and guild leaders, ect. We need a place to put off-topic posts. A way to post pictures without URL links. A calender. And the website URL at: clubofursa.com. An example of a site is Remnantsoflight.com. When making the site, will I become administrator? Also, contact me at Helix Drealdock (ign) for any concerns or questions. I also need to know the price. Thanks!
Persona Nyx
You do know that a TLD such as .com costs money right? Real money.
I can help you, but I will have to have full administrator and FTP access whilst I set it up. An example of my site is: http://www.asp-gw.com
Helix Dreadlock
Originally Posted by Capulatio

I can help you, but I will have to have full administrator and FTP access whilst I set it up. An example of my site is: http://www.asp-gw.com
Yea, something like that! Afterward, I get administrator, correct? If not, thats fine. I am also willing to pay in-game-gold for it. Let me know the price, and when it will be up. I also need to know the URL (obviously) lol. Thanks for everything Capulatio!

You would get administrator, but as it is free only, I am going to have to say it will be either a .tk, a .co.nr or a co.cc
I will start working on it, but I can't guaruntee anything to the caliber of the one I have :P Mainly because it will be using free hosting
Also what would you like it to be called? I am guessing something like: http://www.rangersofascalon.co.cc? That is what I will work with for now.
You make an offer on the in game gold, and I will tell you if I like it or not
You would get administrator, but as it is free only, I am going to have to say it will be either a .tk, a .co.nr or a co.cc
I will start working on it, but I can't guaruntee anything to the caliber of the one I have :P Mainly because it will be using free hosting
You make an offer on the in game gold, and I will tell you if I like it or not