I hear what you're saying guys, and I only every run sab/discord in HM when I know i'l need it, most of the time I use an ineptitude mesmer, an avatar of lyssa derv and a smite monk, using hench healers which is all fine for NM. HM however brings lower recharge times/more hex spamming which my discord can't keep up with, they always remove the most harmless ones. I started using resilient weapon which seems to help.
Having at least one hex removal skill on a monk seems standard, and me and my mates don't want to bog down eachother by packing a ton of hex removal, condition removal seems much easier as things like dismiss have decent recharge times and
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
So... by giving you constructive advice... he's trolling...
Look, this game is about counters and developing build synergy. I know the standard sabway/discordway/smiteway builds are out there, but sometimes you have to *gasp* adapt.
You clearly can't read and repeatedly fail at counter trolling. Go back an reminisce about the 'good old days' when ectos were above 5k and paladins were accepted. What I've been talking about is all about making henchmen more adaptable to areas and heroes, rather than dumping all the support role on them, which leads to the need for things like discord.