Microphone Problem
Helix Dreadlock
I got my microphone a week ago, and it worked great. It was able to communicate, I could hear and talk great with it. A day or 3 ago, it quit working. It said "No Sound Driver Available". I tried updating the sound provider's driver, and tried my other mic, and it worked. I don't like it though, so I won't use it, but can anyone tell me what the problem is? Idk if it's the card or the mic itself. And how do I fix it?
could be many things and your better checking with your sound card or microphone people.
If its a usb microphone it possibly uses its own soundcard my usb headset is like that.
Otherwise go into the computer sound settings and see what can be tweaked to improve things.
Check its all working ok in direct x by going to direct x diagnostics.
All I can think of atm
If its a usb microphone it possibly uses its own soundcard my usb headset is like that.
Otherwise go into the computer sound settings and see what can be tweaked to improve things.
Check its all working ok in direct x by going to direct x diagnostics.
All I can think of atm
It would help to know if you are using Vista and if your other mic is integrated, USB based, etc.
Helix Dreadlock
Okay then. My OS is Vista 32-bit. I am using a Microphone without a driver required and it isn't USB-based as far as I know. I use the green and red ports on the very front, so I believe it's not USB, but I'm not 100% sure. I checked and made sure it wasn't the ports that had faulty. My sound card works great because my speakers are doing ok. So I'm guessing it's the mic because I use my other (very bad quality, very painful) microphone. And it works, sound and all. But does anyone know how to fix my microphone?
If your other mic is of the same type and it work (besides the quality of it), then you're right and the drivers are probably not the issue. The simplest thing you could do is swapping the new mic either on another pc or device and checking to see if it still doesn't work. If this isn't possible with you, and it's still possible, I would just return it to the store for another set. As for fixing the mic if that's what you want, you would need to find where the line is cut, which is usually either at the jack end, or a lost contact at mic end, but it's easier and costs about the same to just buy a new set.
Helix Dreadlock
If your other mic is of the same type and it work (besides the quality of it), then you're right and the drivers are probably not the issue. The simplest thing you could do is swapping the new mic either on another pc or device and checking to see if it still doesn't work. If this isn't possible with you, and it's still possible, I would just return it to the store for another set. As for fixing the mic if that's what you want, you would need to find where the line is cut, which is usually either at the jack end, or a lost contact at mic end, but it's easier and costs about the same to just buy a new set.
Can I suggest that you try plugging your mic in the ports at the back of the PC first - just to check that the front panel sockets haven't failed.
Helix Dreadlock
If I haven't posted it, sorry, I must've backspaced too much. But yes, I have tried that and it hasn't changed the outcome at all
can i just say what software do u use to speak to people, and that doesnt cost, maybe we cud chat lol
Pinkest One
Download the appropriate Client
Download the appropriate Client
Then read Tarun's "Ventrilo for dummies"
Helix Dreadlock
I got it now, mods can close, it was a bad wire, got a new mic.