Hi i like to ask if these certain items will be discontinued. What i mean by discontinued is if they will not be more coming into the economy. Such as mini celestial pigs, mini gwen doll, etc? I know for sure Oni and panda tournament mini pets are discontinued items. What else are going to be discontinued? I like to know so i won't go mistakenly sell my items if they are going to be discontinued.
Discontinued items/mini pets?
Ginger Hunter
so you want noone else to get lucky and recieve any rare items...
Kerwyn Nasilan
Why would we know?
Icy The Mage
tl;dr, what's going to be taken out of the game so i can buy it now and sell for big bucks later
cele pigs will come around again in year of pig most likely but thats in what like 12 years...gwen dolls come from gifts of traveler so they will probably always come from that
Konig Des Todes
Celestials come every 12 years assuming GW lasts that long. Celestial Pigs will be in 10 years.
But don't expect their prices to drop/raise...
But don't expect their prices to drop/raise...
Birthday minipets will continue, as well as the green highlighted and polar bear under 'Other in-game sources. The others were limited edition as shown.
As other users said, some will continue to flood the economy (birthday ones) while others will trickle in (mallyx, traveller ones, polar bear) While others may or may not ever be added again (celestial ones every 12 years) While others are unlikely to ever be added again (ceratadon, asura, kuunavang, kanaxai etc)
But who really knows.
But who really knows.