Heroes Ascent quest... again?
Anyone else confused that we have another HA zaishen quest, only two days from the last one? They haven't done Fort Aspenwood yet, or even just reset so it goes back to GvG. I just find it strange that its already HA because we JUST had one.
Also, just a side note... what else CAN they do for the PvP portion? They've covered every arena in the battle isles as well as AB and JQ. What I would REALLY like to see is one of the PvE-PvP arenas being the daily quest. Actually bringing players to the PvP place adjacent to Kamadan, or Ascalon Arena and the other ones. Although this would single out those who only own the PvP portion of the game, tough love to them. I find low-level PvP quite intresting because it's alot more difficult and there is more variety (current RA meta = anti-everything, All casters have some kind of block skill/stance, If your a hexer odds are the other team has PnH, if your a bsurge odds are the sin has assasins remedy, etc...). The nice part about the level 10-15 PvP is that your armor really comes into play, unlike PvP where you can just PvXwiki your build and your armor. Also, playing without elites creates a whole new challenege. No more Palm Strikers, no more WoH monks, no more WE or PR warrs, no Mel Shot. I would personally really enjoy them to create a Zaishen Challenge quest pertaining to these areas.
Sum up of wall of text and such here:
Heroes Ascent again? 2 days ago we had it like omfgwtfgay.
part 2:
Low-level arena's ftw
purpose of this thread: why they making us play tombz? and would you /sign a low-level arena quest.
Thats all folks!
Also, just a side note... what else CAN they do for the PvP portion? They've covered every arena in the battle isles as well as AB and JQ. What I would REALLY like to see is one of the PvE-PvP arenas being the daily quest. Actually bringing players to the PvP place adjacent to Kamadan, or Ascalon Arena and the other ones. Although this would single out those who only own the PvP portion of the game, tough love to them. I find low-level PvP quite intresting because it's alot more difficult and there is more variety (current RA meta = anti-everything, All casters have some kind of block skill/stance, If your a hexer odds are the other team has PnH, if your a bsurge odds are the sin has assasins remedy, etc...). The nice part about the level 10-15 PvP is that your armor really comes into play, unlike PvP where you can just PvXwiki your build and your armor. Also, playing without elites creates a whole new challenege. No more Palm Strikers, no more WoH monks, no more WE or PR warrs, no Mel Shot. I would personally really enjoy them to create a Zaishen Challenge quest pertaining to these areas.
Sum up of wall of text and such here:
Heroes Ascent again? 2 days ago we had it like omfgwtfgay.
part 2:
Low-level arena's ftw
purpose of this thread: why they making us play tombz? and would you /sign a low-level arena quest.
Thats all folks!
All this means is that quest selection is random, albeit there is probably some failsafe against running the same quest 2 days in a row.
I kinda like it. Now my toon has this ZQuest twice in her log, so I'll only have to win two matches for 2*9k faction.
Not that I ever will win 2 matches in HA, but you get the idea.
Not that I ever will win 2 matches in HA, but you get the idea.
It' not too hard. Sooner or later you run into a team that doesn't use gimmicks and then you win.
There arent many pvp modes to choose from
pve missions and bosses, hundreds.
pve missions and bosses, hundreds.
Sarevok Thordin
PvP modes that can be cycled
And if they are really looking for excuses, Zaishen Challenges.
There is AT LEAST ONE for each day of the week.
And if they are really looking for excuses, Zaishen Challenges.
There is AT LEAST ONE for each day of the week.
Eddie Frenzy Spam
Sorry but what?
18k Faction for 2 wins is FTW. I dunno why anyone would complain about that. Also there is only so many PvP quests that can be done and frankly i'm thankful for this. It means that better ones, i.e the proper pvp quests (HA, GvG, TA) come around faster and really the HA quest is a god send for HA, previously it was dying hard, now it's up to 6 districts at least 1 day every week. I don't even HA much anymore but it's still nice to see such a revitalization.
18k Faction for 2 wins is FTW. I dunno why anyone would complain about that. Also there is only so many PvP quests that can be done and frankly i'm thankful for this. It means that better ones, i.e the proper pvp quests (HA, GvG, TA) come around faster and really the HA quest is a god send for HA, previously it was dying hard, now it's up to 6 districts at least 1 day every week. I don't even HA much anymore but it's still nice to see such a revitalization.
Sarevok Thordin
Sorry but what?
18k Faction for 2 wins is FTW. I dunno why anyone would complain about that. Also there is only so many PvP quests that can be done and frankly i'm thankful for this. It means that better ones, i.e the proper pvp quests (HA, GvG, TA) come around faster and really the HA quest is a god send for HA, previously it was dying hard, now it's up to 6 districts at least 1 day every week. I don't even HA much anymore but it's still nice to see such a revitalization. |
prey monkie
u can do so much more with pvp? u can change the quests a lil bit, what im gonna say now is totally random. but objective: get a kill streak of 2, that kinda things, would be more fun than keep winning 15 matches in RA,
Well I might have to go and try out that HA after all. I'm sure the regulars there are ready for another newbie with a bad build

Skye Marin
I'm planning on waiting for the RA challenge to come around, and get that one all my toons with the one they have now. I spend one evening finishing those, save up so there's 3x that quest, complete it, and I get tons of faction.
Now all that's left is to add something new and rare to the Zaishen Chest to bump up the price. Everlasting Summoning Stones Please!
Now all that's left is to add something new and rare to the Zaishen Chest to bump up the price. Everlasting Summoning Stones Please!
All this means is that quest selection is random, albeit there is probably some failsafe against running the same quest 2 days in a row.
When they added in the z-quests, they added in the data for probably several hundred different z-quests and have the system change it randomly by itself (rather then requiring a.net to change the quests manually each day, which would inevitably lead to the update being late some days).
Random means random, which means something can repeat before FA comes around.
And as Sarevok said, there are only so many PvP formats to go around.
Frankly, I like it. I had no interest in doing the HA quest before. But now that I was able to do 2 at once, I was all over it. I can't wait till the RA quest gets doubled up.
Edit: I agree they could come up with more original kind of quests for PvP. "Win a HA match without a monk primary on your team," etc. but I think the current system is fine for now (maybe they will add in more variation later)
I think it's a good idea. If people want to try and get involved in GvG/HA, there is a steeper learning curve, and having the quests repeat these more often may increase the number of guilds/alliances/players in general trying to improve in those areas. That, and double rewards.
I think it's good.
I think it's good.
I think it's a good idea. If people want to try and get involved in GvG/HA, there is a steeper learning curve, and having the quests repeat these more often may increase the number of guilds/alliances/players in general trying to improve in those areas. That, and double rewards.
I think it's good. |
Shayne Hawke
I was also expecting Aspenwood today. Oh well. Maybe I'll get around to complaining if we start to see streaks of arenas pop-up, or if a certain format doesn't come around for a while.
Ya I was hoping for FA too...
I refuse to do HA, getting sick of being asked to flash my R8 title for every single group, having to wait for an hour fine tuning builds, then getting kicked the moment a person with an R9 and the same class comes along.
I refuse to do HA, getting sick of being asked to flash my R8 title for every single group, having to wait for an hour fine tuning builds, then getting kicked the moment a person with an R9 and the same class comes along.
PvE has 2 quests, PvP has 1. If you have AB or a competetive mission again then it's like 3 PvE quests. But it's random, and daily. Just accept it.
Wish Swiftdeath
9K is an absolute steal! Got it a few times even by being bad and playing with other bad players.
9K is an absolute steal! Got it a few times even by being bad and playing with other bad players.
Don't mind more HA. Should be a permanent HA quest and the daily pvp quest cycles through the other modes.
Low level arena's sound interesting, but how many people have characters that can enter? All my guys and gals are lvl20, and there's no way I'm deleting one just to do low level arena's for a day...
Low level arena's sound interesting, but how many people have characters that can enter? All my guys and gals are lvl20, and there's no way I'm deleting one just to do low level arena's for a day...
Sarevok Thordin
How'd you think I feel, I only got r3 because I couldn't stomach the elitism that goes on in there.
Please more HA quests. Plenty of zaishen coins for doing barely anything.
Empress Amarox
Yeah, I suspected that they would loop back the quest and you would be able to get 2 times the reward for the effort of 1 if you wait. I told you guys to do that a week ago!
To all the nay sayers on my thread, lol.
To all the nay sayers on my thread, lol.
Oink The Pig
Yeah, double HA quests in people's logs have been quite the motivator for getting people who wouldn't otherwise want to HA to come play. Just the single quest was pretty good motivation for me to go take halls the other night.
I think it would help, though, if they removed the TA->HA unlock requirement if they really wanted to drive traffic to HA.
I think it would help, though, if they removed the TA->HA unlock requirement if they really wanted to drive traffic to HA.
Also, just a side note... what else CAN they do for the PvP portion? They've covered every arena in the battle isles as well as AB and JQ. What I would REALLY like to see is one of the PvE-PvP arenas being the daily quest. Actually bringing players to the PvP place adjacent to Kamadan, or Ascalon Arena and the other ones. Although this would single out those who only own the PvP portion of the game, tough love to them. I find low-level PvP quite intresting because it's alot more difficult and there is more variety (current RA meta = anti-everything, All casters have some kind of block skill/stance, If your a hexer odds are the other team has PnH, if your a bsurge odds are the sin has assasins remedy, etc...). The nice part about the level 10-15 PvP is that your armor really comes into play, unlike PvP where you can just PvXwiki your build and your armor. Also, playing without elites creates a whole new challenege. No more Palm Strikers, no more WoH monks, no more WE or PR warrs, no Mel Shot. I would personally really enjoy them to create a Zaishen Challenge quest pertaining to these areas.
As for HA two days in a row, I was surprised to see that too... there are 8 PvP modes, so I figured they would either cycle them in the same order (makes a nice schedule) or randomize it, but in such a way that you can't get the same one again until the rest of them have come up.
I guess it's just completely random.
It's awesome. Getting fame hasn't ever been easier, stomping clueless pvers into the dirt making full fame runs with no skips ... yesssssssssssssssssssss.
Even in the downtime, it's so much fun in id1 listening to pvers complain about how they have no rank and how they hate pvpers, oh man this zaishen quest thing is so much fun, best idea ever in guild wars, i'm freaking loving it.
Even in the downtime, it's so much fun in id1 listening to pvers complain about how they have no rank and how they hate pvpers, oh man this zaishen quest thing is so much fun, best idea ever in guild wars, i'm freaking loving it.
WTB Random HA
You still have groups demanding you to have ">R9 + Vent or gtfo", so i still see little reason to even go near the place.
You still have groups demanding you to have ">R9 + Vent or gtfo", so i still see little reason to even go near the place.
It's random... yet another Guru QQ thread about something random.
And btw, HA ZQ is by far my most favorite so I'm full happy :]
And btw, HA ZQ is by far my most favorite so I'm full happy :]
Eddie Frenzy Spam
Yeye HA Zquest pretty much ownzzz
Wish Swiftdeath
On zquest days there are LOTS of random teams. Just learn a template and bring it, people take r0's and sometimes (:P) they can beat bad r9's.
Aztec Mijo
coulda sworn first one was hoh wins, ah well.
i thought they'd start making the combat quests challenge missions.
i thought they'd start making the combat quests challenge missions.
<3 HA quest
easy stacks of coins :]
easy stacks of coins :]